Friday, January 25, 2013

What's around the corner?

What a week we had, hope your week was just as full of surprises and blessings!

We got started off the week, by having our monthly breakfast gathering. It had been awhile since we have been able to cook in our new kitchen, so it was treat to come together and share good food and friendships. The table were full of old and new friends. Tim, Joey and Sinotra all helped cook our biscuits, bacon, eggs and hash browns. We had enough left over to take with us on our visits. What a great way to start the new year, having breakfasts on the third Saturdays. Put it on your calendars, we need you there!

We had more new friends join us Saturday morning as we went around visiting our friends. Turner and Richard were doing fine. Richard shared two stories with us! Robert was not in the camp. Robert continues to clean up the area and it is looking so nice. Tim, Noel and Matt went to visit other camps. The rest of us went by to see Smokey. Smokey was still in bed when we got there, recovering from an ear procedure he had done at the VA hospital. Won't tell you what happened, too gross, but it took a lot out of Smokey. He is still not back to 100%, so keep him your prayers this week.

While we were having fun, Karl stayed behind and continued working in the center. All the damaged sheet rock has been repaired and almost ready for painting. Karl is doing a great job and tireless in his efforts to help us around the center.

We also visited with Dave, Willie and Travis working on the JJ house. It is almost completed! Yeaa! Tile floors are in, cabinets are up, bathroom is done, water is on and running, all the painting is done, it looks gorgeous. Touch ups are being done and should be completed this week. Dr Phil has dreamed of this happening for many years, to see it come to completion is truly amazing. We need to have an open house party or something and show off what God can do.

Monday was a holiday, so we had no school activities. We did have kids, Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday, Ms Lisa took the children across the street to help clean up some trash someone had left behind. Pretty cool seeing the children begin to take ownership of the grounds and help it stay clean around the center.

Tuesday evening, we gathered for our mens Bible fellowship. Mr Matt read from James Chapter 2, one of our favorite books of the Bible. First part was talking about not showing favoritism to the rich and forgetting the poor. Then the other part was talking about, faith without deeds. We have a responsibility to open our hearts to all we come in contact with, not showing partiality to anyone.

Wednesday did not get started off to the kind of day we wanted by hearing the news of the passing of one of our friends. We met Dale under the bridge many years ago, with another friend Aaron. Dale had an opinion on everything. He loved to read, especially westerns. He would fuss at Mr Kevin for not bringing him books on our Saturday visits. Life under a bridge or in the woods, is a hard life and it took a toll on Dale, leaving us too early. But we now know Dale is not hurting and is at peace. Tim is working on having a memorial service in the next week or so. More information will come.

We got to finish Wednesday on a better note, as Joey, Krysten, Lomax and Emily hosted our family gathering. Pizzas of various shapes and sizes, along with Ms Ardis's salad was served. As I told Joey, not to show partiality, I was forced to eat two kinds of brownies provided by Ms Hat and Momma T! We then read from one of Lomax's favorite chapters in Isaiah, chapter 40 talking about the awesomeness of God and the compassion of God. One who created the mountains and earth, also holds us in the palm of His hands. God is soo good!

We had a very special Thursday. It got started off by having Ms Abbie back, playing the piano and Ms Dorothy singing. Nothing better. We had Pastor Jackson sitting with us and having the Spirit in him to lead us in song. Then Pastor Eddie shared the Word about What's Love got to do with it ?! It was very nice of Pastor Eddie to come because his wife's brother was in the hospital and very sick. Please keep them in your prayers this week. It is all about lvoe. God's lvoe, not ours. God lvoed us so much He sent His son to die for us! No greater lvoe than that.

Our Thursday meal was prepared and served by our new friends from Kings Highway Christian church. What a great group of young people, they cooked, they served, they washed the dishes, they cleaned the tables, what a blessing. After they were finished with their chores, we took them around the center and shared our story with them. They plan on helping on Thursdays as much as they can and hope to come visit with us this summer.

As we were sharing our story with the young people Thursday night, we talked about where we have come from, where we are now and where we are going. It got me to thinking, we are just at the beginning, the tip of the ice berg of the building of God's Kingdom, how exciting! We have experienced many, many things in our journeys so far. Getting to know new friends, new family members joining our community, new challenges we have faced, community becoming community, all these things are such a blessing. But in the same breath, we are about to step out in new and challenging directions. Learning all the time, what faith, patience and obedience is all about.

We all like to feel comfortable. We all like to know what's around the next corner. We don't want obstacles put in our paths, just let us go with the flow, Lord! Where does your faith come in to play, if we let our lives go with the flow? But that is not what all this is about. The building of God's Kingdom is challenging, precarious, unsettling. How do we get past our apprehension to reach out, our fears to meet new friends, our reluctance to accept new ways? By leaning on the one who knows all the answers. The one who can make a way out of no way. If we put our faith in our Lord, our faiths will grow. If we learn to listen to His quiet voice our relationships will become stronger. And God's Kingdom will prosper! Isn't that exciting!

We are at the doorstep of God's Kingdom. We have the opportunities to participate in something that no man can tear apart. Exciting times are ahead of us. With all of us working together, we have the opportunity to see things we have only dreamed about! God is good!

Here we go!  Have a great week! Amen and amen.

Friday, January 18, 2013

what's in a name

It's Friday already! How was your week? Full of adventures and surprises I hope, God is good!

Saturday was full of activities in and around the center. Karl was again busy with sheet rock duty, doing more work in the library and patching up holes in the ladies bathroom. Looking better every day. John Sauls came by and worked in the fellowship hall ceiling, repairing damage from an old leak.

We made our rounds visiting the guys living outside. Turner, Robert and Robert were ok. Some of us go by and visit with Smokey on our way home. Others go and visit more camps downtown. 

That brings me to something we have been talking about for several weeks. As many of you know, some of us feel led to move out into the neighborhood, while others want to continue our visits to the camps. As soon as our first JJ house is completed and Dawn gets moved in, we will start our neighborhood ministries from the house. Tim has agreed to be our leader in our visits to the camps. So every Saturday, we will have two groups going out and sharing God's lvoe with all, isn't that cool!

Monday was cold, really cold and the kids came. We opened up the friendship room, turned on the heat and the games began. Tuesday our electricity went out, no heat, so we had to send the kids back home. Wednesday, we had a lot of help, so we went into the children's area and did art projects, very nice.

Tuesday evening, with the temperatures in the 20's, Lomax headed out to the camps to check on the guys. Everybody was doing ok. We cancelled our men's Bible fellowship Tuesday evening because of the icy road ways.

Wednesday, Karl was back to replace more ceiling tiles in the fellowship hall. All his hard work looks really good.

Thursday afternoon, was special as we got to sing songs played by Spencer and listen to Lomax share his thoughts about Jesus. What a blessing to have such faithful young men who are willing to share their faith with others. Listening to Lomax talk about his relationship with God, was inspiring. Thank you Lomax. Next week we have Pastor Eddie.

Thursday's meal was prepared by Mr Tom. Served up by Ms Abbie! That's right, Ms Abbie was back and running the show! Great to have her back with us, you were missed. Ms Lisa, checked in all the folks, as Ms Abbie and Travis handed out the bags.

Prayer concerns for the Bollingers. Cari's has started a new round of chemo. Her new treatment will have to be delayed until this round of chemo is over with. Prayers for our guys who are living outside. No fun living in the rain and cold. Prayers for travels for those who will be on the road. Prayers for Ms Sarah as she continues her adventures in Haiti. Good to see pictures ever so often on Face book from her. Prayers for those who are struggling with illnesses. Lots of coughs and sneezes going around.

Don't forget, this Saturday morning, the 19th, at 8:45 our first breakfast of the new year! Come by for some yummy food, hot coffee and good conversations.

Max Lucado, in one of his devotions the last several weeks, talked about, when God came into a person's life sometimes God felt necessary to change the person's name. Saul to Paul, Abrams to Abraham and he mentioned others I don't remember. I worry we take what Jesus has done for us for granted. We all too often think we are in charge, not God. We think what we have is ours, not God's. We get up on Sunday morning, read the paper, go to church, go to lunch, go home, watch TV, get up go to work on Monday, yo hum. Nothing out of the ordinary. Worship is just something we do on Sunday, no big deal.

What if, one weekend, Roger tells us, today, if you confess your sins to God and declare Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, God wants to give you a new name! So on Monday when you go to work, you tell folks, my name is not Dr Phil, it is Dr Luke, or not mr brian, it is mr James or not Joey, it is Mark, or not Momma T, it is Momma Ruth. Would worship change for us? Would we treat our time with God differently? Would our lives change?

Just because Paul got a new name, his friends, family and neighbors still remembered the person of Saul, a persecutor of Christians. So how did Paul convince the town he had changed? At first, it was not by his words but by his actions. We can say we are Christians, that God is important in our lives, but if we don't live it, it means nothing.

I struggle with chapel time and all those who for some reason do not come inside. Is it because they are scared? Is it because they have seen folks who say they are Christians but do not live of life of lvoe? Do they feel like they don't need God? Chapel time, we need to pray for all those standing outside. We need to invite them inside. We need to open the doors and let the lvoe of Jesus flow out. We need to lvoe.

God is good, God is good all the time! We need to show that, we need to live that! It is not about us but about God. What can we do this week to live a life where our name has changed and God will get the glory?

You folks are awesome. You are inspiring. By your lives, others are seeing Christ. Let's continue, persevere and have faith, God's Kingdom will grow one person at a time.

Have a great week. Stay warm and dry. Amen and Amen.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Live it!

Rain, rain go away, come again another day! Has been our theme song this week in our part of the world. Hopefully it has not been so bad where you are.

We had a good visit with our friends Saturday. New folks showed up to join in on the fun. Everybody seems to be doing fine. Turner, Richard and Robert were hanging in there trying to stay dry and warm. William was still with James and grateful to be inside.

Karl and mr brian stayed behind and worked on putting up new sheet rock in the library. 

Around 2 Saturday afternoon, the scouts showed up and completed the work on the greenhouse. It looks gorgeous. Great job, can't wait to see things starting to grow inside!

Monday, the rain had not started, so we got to play games with the children. Tuesday and Wednesday it was too wet for the kids to walk over, so it was quiet around the center.

Early Tuesday morning, Karl came back and began the process of completing the sheet rock repairs. Won't be long and we can again use our library.

Tuesday evening, after two weeks off, the men gathered for their community Bible fellowship. It was good to gather again and catch up on everybody's life. We had a new friend show up and he brought our supper for the evening. Mr Matt led us in the discussion of the Holy Trinity. What is it? How do you describe it and make sense of it?

Wednesday evening, we gathered at the Bright House. Joey, Krysten and Lomax hosted the evening filled with food, laughter and fellowship. Many folks braved the flash flood warnings to come out! They want to make this a regular happening, so more information from them will be coming.

Thursday was another special time around the center. Just about 3 PM, the sun came out! Praise God, great to see. Pastor Willie led us in song and sharing the Word. What a passion he has when he starts singing and then putting the word of God out for us to understand. He talked about looking in the mirror. We all to often point to others and the mistakes they are making and don't take a good look at ourselves and what we are not doing. Next week, we have a special treat, as one of own young adults will share the Word with us.

Our meal was created by Krysten with the help of Ms Dorothy, yummy! Ms Abbie came across the street to say Hi to everyone. She looked good. We had more help from the community in washing the dishes and handing out our groceries. Great to see.

Prayer concerns for the Ackermans as they travel to Dallas to pick up Wes Friday evening. Also for Beth, running fever on Wednesday. The Bollingers as they prepare for a new procedure in fighting Carri's disease. Prayers for William as he deals with life. He joined the men's group Tuesday evening. Prayers for Tim having 2 teeth pulled Friday morning.

Been thinking about our discussions on Tuesday night about trying to explain the Holy Trinity. As Matt pointed out to us, when he first began his journey, he studied, read, researched, trying to come up with a plausible explanation of the Trinity. After an hour of discussions Tuesday night, we came up with no good answers. So what is God asking of us? How do we explain faith, hope, joy, lvoe to others who are searching for some good news about life? 

Listening to our discussions Tuesday evening, I began to realize Satan is at work. It seems to me, Satan is interested in our minds, Christ is interested in our hearts. Our minds can not make sense of the Trinity or for that matter a lot of what the Bible is asking of us. For some, if they can not make sense of it, they stop and try something else.

I shared with Tim my journey in the beginning. I thought I could change the world or at least our community in Cedar Grove by being there, giving out food, smiling. I thought, miraculously, everything would change for the better. After months of mr brian trying to do it all, I began to realize it is not about me but about Christ. Our purpose, our jobs, is to live the Trinity, not explain it, live it! The Trinity is about hope, peace, joy, passion for others, lvoe to all. Change will come when the hearts of others are led to Christ. Christ will do the changing not us.

People we meet everyday needs to see the light of Christ in us. They need to say, what does he have, why is he smiling, I want some of that. You are good examples of this when you take time to visit on Saturdays, serve on Thursdays, show up on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays, go shopping for others on Mondays, invite others to help and support, share our story with others.

Don't let Satan win, don't worry about trying to explain the Trinity, just live it! Have a great week. Amen.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Thank you Lord

The first week of the new year has come to a close, already! Wow, only 51 more weeks to go! It's been cold, wet and dreary this week in this part of the country. How was it for you? Hope everybody had a great holiday season with your family and friends. Happy New Year!

We had good visits with our friends last Saturday. It was the coldest Saturday of the year so far. Cold temperatures and the kind of wind that blew right through you. Hot chocolate was a hit. Turner was inside his boxes when we arrived, trying to  stay warm. Richard was sitting in his chair all covered up. It was not cold enough for us to get to listen to two of Richard's stories, though! William and Robert were hanging in there. Smokey met us downstairs, with lots of stories from his adventures working at the VA hospital.

Mr Matt dropped Tim and Gus off, as they began their adventure of living in the woods for a week. Gus could have not picked a worse week, the bitter cold temperatures and all the rain. Gus has posted some of their adventures on Face book.

Karl was again busy at "his" Bright House II. Karl has taken down some walls to open up some of the rooms and just about ready for to begin insulation and the sheet rock work. We are waiting on God to provide us with a new roof to plug up some of the holes we have. Can't wait to see what God has in store for this house.

Have asked Karl to move across the street to the center next Saturday, so we can begin the task of putting up the new sheet rock and repairing all the water damage.

Robert seems to have taken up residence on Saturdays in the Friendship room. When I arrive, he is already washing his clothes. We make a pot of coffee for him and he is good to go. One of Robert's assignments each week now is to put down all the chairs in the Fellowship hall. He also washes our towels from the past week. He is a big help around the center now. Usually you will Joey hanging out with him at some point in the day.

Tim and Gus picked up Dale from the hospital Saturday evening. Dale was in no condition to fight the cold weather, so the folks at the Bright House opened up their hearts and let Dale stay there. Got to see Dale Monday and he looked ok, still very weak. Tim has found a place for Dale to move to for awhile until he can find a more permanent situation for Dale.

With school out again this week, no children activities around the center.

Continued prayers for Ms Abbie and Mr Joe. Both are doing better, but still a long road to go. Every time I go by to visit, I see Joe but not Abbie, she is always resting. That is a good thing. Continue to keep Ms Sarah in your prayers. She made it to Haiti and has begun her new job. Lots of challenges ahead for her and your prayers will be needed. The Bollingers are still in need of your prayers. As Ms Hat shared Thursday, William is struggling with life and needs prayers. Hat needs prayer for healing. Prayers for those who are traveling, Joey is in New Orleans serving the Lord, the return of Wes, Ms Lisa and her family as they take a much deserved vacation. Prayers for Momma T. Lots going on in her life, most of it not good. Several deaths in her extended family. Good news, her dad is doing better. Prayers for Heather, Derrick and Richard. They help us on the first Thursdays in chapel and were all sick this week.

Not sure how to explain Thursday. Got a call from Joey earlier in the day, saying our family would not be coming to chapel because of bad colds. So immediately, mr brian begins to worry, what do we do for chapel? Instead of putting my trust in the Lord, I panick! I send a text to Mr Matt asking if he would say a few words. Not hearing right back from him, my anxiety grows. The devil has me going thinking, he is out of town, or he can not be there or he does not have the time. A few minutes later Matt texts me back and says, yes no problem! Thank you Lord.

Ok, with that crisis over, I begin to worry about the music. Who should I call? Is there anybody available? What are we going to do? With my stomach in knots, I think to myself, we have a Methodist hymnal, maybe I could talk to Ms Dorothy and ask her to sing a song from the hymnal. So I get to the center, find the hymnal and find Ms Dorothy. 

Ms Dorothy is sitting at one of the tables wrapping the napkins around the forks, has been at the center since 1, no one there, but sitting outside in the cold waiting until some one shows up. Goes into the food pantry and makes 70 bags of groceries, goes into the kitchen and makes Koolaid and now wrapping the forks! I tell Ms Dorothy, our musical team will not be there, would you be willing sing a song or two from the hymnal. I start going through the hymnal and picking out songs I know and she says mr brian, never heard that one or that one, you sing them. I stammered and said, that's not going to happen! Then Ms Dorothy says, mr brian, I'll just sing the songs I know, the folks know them, they can sing a long and everything will be alright. Thank you Lord.

As we welcome the folks into chapel, Ms Diane, who cleans up around the center for us, comes to me and says, I don't normally stand up before folks, but I want to pray for us, so mr brian sat down sat down and shut up. What a chapel we had, Ms Dorothy singing her heart out, as the congregation joined in. Ms Diane prayed like no one has ever had, Mr Matt shares the Word about breaking barriers and allowing God to bless us as we move forward, what a chapel. Thank you Lord.

As we were leaving chapel, Tim comes up to me and says, mr brian I have this idea. Tim wants to go to all the churches who are a part of our community and get them to help donate food to our pantry. I said great idea Tim, but I would like to see you go one step further, tell your story to the churches. Go to Roger and ask him about donating food but also ask Roger, mr brian wants me to tell my story, could I? Watch out Roger, Tim is coming! Wow, someone who we have visited on Saturdays for all these years, turned over his life to Christ and is on fire for the Holy Spirit! Thank you Lord.

Our Thursday meal was taken care of by TJ, Heather and their family of girls. What a blessing to see the little ones, running around the center in their hula hoops, laughing, fussing, and blessing us all, while mom and dad prepared our meal of spaghetti, green beans and salad. Thank you Lord.

As I get to the fellowship hall, to be sure everything is alright, of course it is, I see Ms Abbie's family serving our meal. There was Punkin, Dominique, Henry, Peaches serving up the meal. What a treat to see that. Then Ms Dawn and I relieved them and they went into the food pantry to help Momma T pass out the groceries. Thank  you Lord.

As Ms Dawn, Dr Phil, Mr Scott and I were sitting down enjoying the meal, Ms Dawn says to me, look at that nice young man over there cleaning the tables. That nice young man was one of Ms Diane's sons. I use to pick up Diane's three boys when they were about CJ's age. Always a hand full. A few moments later, as the Mitchell crew were making their usual noises, Andre goes over to them and ask them to be quieter. Then a few moments later, he goes over to Big Man and starts talking to him about his behavior. As I was sitting there, waiting on Andre and his mom to finish their chores, Andre comes over to me and says, thank you mr brian for being there for me so long ago. It was great to see, a young man, nicely dressed, going to college to try and break the cycle of poverty for him and his family, taking ownership of the evening and helping out. Thank you Lord.

We sometimes get caught up in the numbers. I know my pride does. How many were in chapel, how many did you feed, how many grocery bags did you hand out, how many did you visit, how many came to church, how big is the budget, how tall is the steeple. Thursday night reminded me again, it is not about the numbers it is about the relationships. Last week, Pastor Eddie had a young lady come up front and turn her life over to Christ. I said to Pastor Eddie, it all starts with one. Mr Matt talked about how God will bless our paths if we just take that step to get to know each other, one person at a time. Our relationship with Ms Abbie has led us to her children being a part of our community. Helping one of our little ones, now grown, is helping others. Visiting our outdoor friends, leads to a man turning his life over to Christ and becoming a crusader for the homeless. Patience, persistence, obedience, faith is all God is asking of us, He will do the rest. Will you join us in this exciting journey? Thank you Lord. Amen!