Friday, October 28, 2016

Bold faith!

Still on a sweets high from all the candy, sweet treats,  delicious baked goodies from last nights Fall Fest!  What a night! 

Last Saturday, many of our friends living outside were no where to be found? We do need to lift up Robert and Jerry as they begin testing, procedures and rehab for the different ailments affecting them. They have been through a lot. A nice breakfast was prepared by Z as many of our community came together to help in our clothing room.

Our afternoon tutoring fun is going on. We can always use your help with the children. Allison has the routine down with the children and teachers, so a lot is accomplished in a short span of time. Come and enjoy the excitement. Monday will be a special afternoon.

Walked into to the kitchen Monday and there was Z cooking! Not sure I have ever seen so many boxes of cakes, pies and cookies! Tuesday I walked in and she was still there with help from her Aunt, Wednesday was no exception! Unfortunately I might have put on a few pounds this week sampling some of her goods! It was hard work, but somebody had to do it! Next time you see Z around the center, please tell her how much we appreciated all her hard work!
Thursday was spectacular! With a gorgeous blue sky, nice temperatures, a cooling breeze, we had our annual Fall Fest! Tables and chairs were set up in the green area. New games from a Scout Eagle project were lined up, the cake walk chairs were arranged, music, break dancing, grilling, face painting, what a night! A huge crowd showed up to enjoy it all. Thanks to everybody for making the evening such a success.

Next Thursday, we will have a garage sale from the 2 Story. Tables will be set up outside and the 2 story will be cleaned out to prepare for our Christmas market items.. Everything will be priced at 25 cents. Please come and help or bring lots of quarters!

The men of the community met Tuesday evening to read the story of Daniel in the den of lions, reading from Chapter 6 in the book of Daniel. A group of men, jealous of Daniel, went to the King to get him to set up a decree, saying if anyone who prays to any god other than the King will be put into the lion's den. When Daniel heard about this decree, he went home and 3 times each day prayed, verse 10. These jealous men, found Daniel praying and brought Daniel before the King. The King could not back down, so he ordered Daniel into to the lion's den. Daniel was sparred from the lions by an angel sent by God to close the lion's mouths.

Daniel knew the new decree was unlawful. The decree went against his beliefs, but Daniel was bold enough in his faith to continue to be obedient to God and prayed for help. Can we say the same for our faith?

Over the years, we have been told, it is a waste to buy property in our community. Why would you spend money in an impoverished area, when you could buy a house in a wealthy neighborhood? We have heard people say, don't spend your time with the children of our community, they can't learn. Others saying, the poor will always be with you, so why waste your time on them?

It seems in the building God's Kingdom, you are forced to buck the system of society. Society is interested in the rich, God is concerned for the least. We will face opposition at every turn, but we have to have the faith of Daniel and remember, our God, like Daniel's is in charge. As long as we continue to pray for guidance and direction in the path God wants us to take, then when we are put in the lion's den of life, our God, the same one as Daniel's, will send an angel to take care of us! God has taken care of us and our community in the past, He will continue to do so in the future!  Amen!

Have a great weekend. Get out and enjoy the fall weather, remembering who is in charge! 

Friday, October 21, 2016

The 12

Everybody have your jackets on today!? Wow, God thought we needed to be cooler, so he has done just that! What a God! Hopefully you are getting a chance to use your jackets this morning in your part of the world!

We had our grandchildren with us this past weekend, so didn't make our Saturday activities. Scott and Dawn visited our friends living outside. Visited some new camps occupied by old friends. Everybody seems to be doing well. Prayers for Robert and Jerry. Robert is preparing to go into the hospital. Jerry was taken to the hospital Thursday night because he was having a hard time breathing. 

Monday and Wednesdays continue to be one of our highlights of the week. Seeing the children, singing their prayer, enjoying their snacks, learning new Bible verses, reading their assignments is a blessing. Thanks to all who are helping our children succeed in life each week, you are a blessing.

Tuesday evening, Rickie led our community men's Bible study reading from Luke 9. A small group but a lively group sharing what God has placed on their hearts to live a life of light.

Thursday, Ms Abbie led us in song and praise, Brother George introduced us to a friend of his to share the Word of God. Lots of hand clapping and Amens were happening! Z prepared our meal, as friends from one of our elementary schools helped serve and clean up. Others from the school helped us in the Market and in the clothing room. A fun night!

Don't forget this Saturday will be a work morning in the clothing room. Z will prepare breakfast, starting at 9, then the work will begin following that. The community is coming, we need you too!

Praise report on Ginellen's procedure last week. All good, the doctor could not find the fistula he has been treating for the past 3 years. He is going to do one more exam through the radiology department and then begin to talk about completing her treatment with him! Praise God!

We have some angels helping us in our mowing and edging of our campus. If you see them, please stop and let them know how much we appreciate all their hard work.

Next Thursday is our Fall Fest. We had an Eagle scout make us some new games for the evening. The famous cake walk will be going on. Food and fun all over the center. Come and enjoy the evening.

Reading Luke 9 this week was another reminder, who is in charge of our lives! The first verse, Jesus called the 12 together. Jesus calls you. Nothing is different today, He is calling are we listening? Another thought, he called all 12, not just one or two. He calls all of us, no one has the inside track. We all are important in God's Kingdom.

When Jesus calls us, He prepares us, He provides for us, He cares for us. When Jesus called the 12, He gave them power and authority to drive out demons and to cure diseases. He does the same today. He calls us and then provides his Holy Spirit that is in each one of us, the power to combat anything that we will face. Do we allow it to happen or do we like to be in charge?

The chosen 12, were given tasks that they were not trained to do. Some were fishermen, one was a tax collector, simple men, called to do extraordinary things. The same can be said of you. God is calling you to our community, to do things that you thought were impossible, something you would have never dream of doing, are you ready to follow our Lord?

Then Jesus said to the 12, don't take anything with you, no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. You don't need it, I will take care of you. Jesus is saying that to us today. If you follow me, allow me to lead. I will provide everything you will need in this journey.  Do we dare believe that?

Then in verse 5, Jesus tells the 12, some will not like what you are doing or saying. Don't worry about that, just stay focused on what you have been called to do and move on. It is their loss not yours. 

As we prepare to move forward along the journey God has for us, we need to constantly be listening. We need to understand, God is in control, not us. If we take control, it will fail. We need to have faith and be obedient to the path He has chosen for us, knowing we will not have all the answers to our questions. We don't need the answers because God will provide everything when we need. Is it scary, you betcha! A fisherman being asked to heal the sick, don't you think they were scared? But Jesus equipped them, just like He has equipped each one of you.

The 12 went out and went to village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. We need to do the same. We need to go out, share the good news and heal our community. It can be done, it will be done, we might as well be the ones doing it, let's go! Amen!

See you Saturday or next week. For those who are in other parts of the country and not able to join us, please keep our community in your prayers. God is good!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Don't be afraid!

God was painting this morning! The clouds were dark until the rising sun casts it's glow on them, turning the dark into light with colors of orange, pink and blue all over the horizon! Wow, what a painter!

Lots going on in our community. Prayers for Joey and Jerry as they have moved back into their camp. Hard to transition into a place where noise and craziness is prevelant. Hopefully a place will open up soon for them. 

Monday and Wednesdays continue to be a joy. I need to record our afternoon blessing with the children. Watch for it on Facebook! What a treat.

Tuesday evening, the men of the community gathered to talk about God's unfailing grace. Rickie led the men reading from Ezekiel. A prophet of God, telling the people about God's lvoe.

Thursday was a special evening of song, praise, eating, serving and laughing! A friend of George's shared the Word, as Ms Abbie played the piano. Z prepared a banquet as new friends from LSUS and St Pauls helped serve and clean up. Pastor Kaylan had the clothing room open. Ms Dorothy was being reminded, she had 30 seconds to finish her shopping spree before it was time for others to come in! The Market was busy as usual. A good evening.

This Saturday, Z will be hosting a informational meeting for the community. Next Thursday, we will have our first Green Market. We will have local vegetables available for the community to purchase. Other activities are happening in the next few weeks. God is busy in our part of the world!

Prayers for all who have been and will be affected by the storm on the East coast and our friends in Haiti.

Two things struck me about God this week, God never gives up on us. In Ezekiel, God asks him to go speak to His people. As it says in verse 3, . . . they and their ancestors that have rebelled against me. Ancestors, a long time, God's people had forgotten what He had done for them, rebelled against God, but still God lvoed them enough to show His grace. We do the same today! Over and over, God's grace saves us from ourselves. We thank Him and months or years later we fall back. At some point, we seek God's grace and there it is for us again! Amazing!

The other thought, is God is always with us. God tells Ezekiel to go to His people and speak My Words to them, whether they listen or not, go!  God warns Ezekiel, my people have become obstinate and stubborn. In verse 6, God says to Ezekiel, "And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them . .  In fact, God tells Ezekiel, do not be afraid two more times in verse 6.

Do not be afraid! Good words to remember because many times God will put us in places that are outside of our comfort zones. Verse 2,"As he spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me?." That same Spirit that spoke to Ezekiel, thousands of years ago, is still speaking to us all, we just have to allow God's Spirit to come into our souls and listen. We do not have to be afraid because God is with us.

I was reminded again, it is not about us but about God! God tells Ezekiel to go to His people and speak My Words to them, whether they listen or not, go! God warns Ezekiel, my people have become obstinate and stubborn. Our jobs, our commission is to go out, share the Word, whether they listen or not. Sometimes we will see change, other times we will not. I asked someone several years ago, why they stopped coming to our community meals. They said, they didn't see any change in the attitudes of the community. If we are in the business to see change, then we will become disillusioned, burn out and will quit. 

We should be responding to the call God has placed on our hearts to share His lvoe with others. It is not our jobs to change the hearts of others. That is what God will do! I was reminded, sharing God's lvoe takes many forms. Some are able to share His lvoe through speaking. Others play the piano. Some cook. We have saints who are there for the children. Servants who work in the garden, hang clothes, visit, listen. God will use you, as He needs you to build His Kingdom! Amen!

Have a great week. See you around the center. Do not be afraid!