Friday, June 13, 2014


Here it is Friday. Thank you Joey for sending out last weeks note. May have to call upon you next week?! Hope you all had a great week. I am sitting in the waiting room waiting for Ginellen's surgery to conclude.

With me still out of town last weekend, others shared how things went. We had our friends from Lake Charles join us end of last week. Tim talked about taking them on their visits to the camps. Hopefully Tim will post a picture of their adventures. Some of the youth had been with us before, others it was a new experience. Tim mentioned, when they did not stop at Richard's gas station, the youth asked why? They did not know Richard was no longer with us. We need to do a better job in the future of letting everybody know how our friends are doing.

Reports of garden and center work by the youth went well. Worked all day Friday. Ricky, Andy and Abbey stayed busy all day!

Tuesday evening, the men and women met for their Bible fellowship. The men read from 1 Corinthians chapter 11 talking about the Lord's supper. Verse 28, everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. Are we thinking about what Christ has done in our lives or we more concerned about our own lives?

The men had a special treat, our brother Sione joined us for the evening. With his driver, Hat, we were blessed to have him join in our discussions and hear about his exciting news. The Methodist conference has invited Sione to rescue a uptown church in New Orleans from ruins! We are excited for him and the opportunity for him to bless the community. His time with us at Common Ground has prepared him for his new challenge. He asked us to pray for him and his community.

Wednesday, Ardis hosted our family gathering. We got to see and hear more of Lomax's adventure. We also had the privilege of having Gus and Jada, one of our new interns join us for the evening. Following Lomax's story, we shared a little about our stories with each other.

Thursday evening was another nice time with community. Willie and Wes shared their gifts of song and word. Our long time friend and chef TJ and his family provided our meal. We had some new friends join us to help serve and clean up. With a little rain and cloud cover, it made for cooler temperatures and a pleasant evening.

Lisa and Lauren will be hosting, starting today and going through the weekend, our training sessions for our summer camp interns. Summer camp will be starting Monday June 16th. We have a full compliment of young adults joining us this summer. We will be hosting around 30 children this tear, Lots will be happening, fun for the children and the students. Camp will be going on in the afternoons, come by and say hi, maybe join in the fun!

We have had some changes in the neighborhood. Our Dr Phil will be retiring soon and as decided to move into the blue JJ house. He will be traveling during his retirement and decided he did not need so much room. Common Ground has acquired his house. Our young lady interns will be living there for the summer.

Prayers for William as he continues to over come his addictions. Sione's new community. Our community in our direction for it. Prayers for our chapel air conditioner, that money or the unit starts working! Prayers for our summer camp.

Leaving early Thursday evening. I got to see things I don't normally see in our community. Folks standing outside visiting after they got their groceries. Folks helping others carry their bags to the cars or their bikes. Driving out of the community, you see folks walking along the sidewalks carrying their grocery bags.

What you all are doing every week are making a difference in people's lives. When you are trying keep the screams down to a low roar, picking up trash, serving, helping in the clothes closet, not getting a smile or thank you, just know, you are making a difference. Almost weekly I get a phone call, from someone saying, I have heard about Common Ground, can I come and help or they ask, can I get some help.

We continue to have people come to us and say, I want to be a part of this community. They like what they see from you all and want to stay. It is a place where everybody is welcomed, not judged, but lvoed unconditionally.

Thank you for thinking of others and not yourself. Thank you for allowing others to step up and use their gifts. Thank you for listening to the quiet voice of Jesus for directions in your journeys. Thank you for sharing your gifts with our community.

What a joy to be a part of such people. Amen.

Hope you all have a great week. Lvoe to all. See you at camp this week.