Friday, December 30, 2016

A new year!

We have done nothing this week but play with our grandkids! What a joy! What a blessing! Others will have to share the happenings of the week around the center!

We visited our friends living outside last Saturday. Presents were given away to the guys. Turner was as excited as Turner can get! Don't want to sound over dramatic, but the image of Turner walking away from the truck with his possessions in hand, walking away to his home, alone for Christmas, with no family, nobody to visit with, was a for a moment very sad. We need to appreciate those around us!

As we come to the end of another year and look forward to what God has in store for us in the new year, take a moment to thank God for His constant watch over us and our community. We have had many challenges during the year, but looking back, God has worked it all out! We have had many blessings during this year, truly undeserved, but richly received beyond our imaginations.

What a God we serve! What a community we have been blessed with! What exciting times ahead!

A very Happy New Year to all!

Friday, December 23, 2016


What a week! Not sure we can explain it all, but just know God is amazingly good!

Really our week began early Friday morning as our Santa elves and God's servants started arriving at 7 am to turn our dining hall into our famous Christmas Market. People were everywhere, sorting, pricing, moving, arranging all the gifts from numerous groups, churches, organizations, clubs we have been receiving all year long. We ran out of room in our Christmas room in the two story, so we had to open another room!

Saturday morning, the community began lining up by 8, the doors opened at 9. Our community began to shop with the help of their personal shopper, pay for their gifts, then taken to one of many wrapping stations. Others helped carrying their gifts to their cars or to their rides.  First Baptist transformed our friendship room into a gathering place of cookies, coffee, hot chocolate and holiday music. While the community was waiting for their turn to shop, they enjoyed watching a classic holiday movie as popcorn was being popped! A tent was set up outside to give the children a place to create Christmas crafts while their moms shopped.  A big hit this year, was our Christmas train! The children were treated to a ride around our campus on Santa's Christmas train! We had lots of new faces and families join us this year.  What a special day. A huge thank you goes out to all who made it possible!

We visited our friends Saturday while our Market was going on finding everybody doing good. Christmas gifts for our friends will be arriving this week!

Monday afternoon, we had our Christmas party for our afternoon tutoring children. Lots of games, gifts, songs and fun was had by all! Great to see all the smiles and hugs from the young and young at heart!

Tuesday evening, the men gathered for their Bible fellowship. Brother George led the discussion reading from Luke 1 about the birth of John the Baptist. John was born first to prepare a way for Jesus. God's plan, God's timing is always the best!

Not sure why, but Thursday was one of our largest crowds ever! The warmer weather, the time of year, school being out, but the community came, came and came! We gave away more food than ever before. A huge night, but as always God has things in control and we were able to have enough for everybody.

This Saturday evening at 6 pm, Joey will host our Christmas Eve worship. If you are out and about, stop by, listen, sing and praise God for all He has done in our lives this year and what He is about to do in the coming year.

I have heard so many God stories this past week, too numerous to share now, but just know God is working in our community. Lisa has received keys to a new addition to our campus. The old bank building across the street is now ours to use as God sees fit. Hallelujah! We are being showered with gifts and donations for our children of the community. Praise God! God is amazingly good!

A couple of weeks ago, we read from Hebrews 13 verse 16, "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased". A question was asked, what is a sacrifice? The act of doing good or to share is good, but is what we are doing, is it a sacrifice? Is it something we do, just to be doing good, to look good to others, to receive praise? Is going to church a sacrifice in our lives or is it just something we do? We have grown up saying the Lord's prayer, maybe taking it for granted, but do we realize the sacrifices God is asking of us?

God could have chosen for His son born in the mightiest of castles but He made the sacrifice of choosing the simplest of all places, in a stable in a manager. God could have chosen to tell the Kings of the land about the birth but He chose the lowest of all, the shepherds in the fields. God made a sacrifice for us all to have His son born in a world of sin, knowing one day His son would make the greatest sacrifice of all, his life. God is about sacrifices, not about doing good.

All of you make sacrifices for our community everyday. Some of you sacrifice time with your family to be with our community. Others give of your monies to our community making sacrifices with less at home. You sacrifice your promotion at your job to take time to be in community with us. You don't have to teach our children, serve our neighbors, listen to our friends, lvoe our families, but you do. You are people of God and He sees that . . . for with such sacrifices God is pleased . . 

How exciting to be a part of such a special group of servants. Your sacrifices for this year has not gone unnoticed. God is pleased! Amen!

I hope your time with family and friends this season will be a blessing to you all! God is amazingly good!

Friday, December 16, 2016


It is fast approaching? Time is running out? What are your plans? Is God there in the mist of your busyness?

We continue our Saturday activities in and around the center. Turner had his fire pit going Saturday morning. He has draped a tarp over his new tent to keep the rain and cold weather out. We couldn't fill his thermos with coffee because he had already made hot chocolate that he had filled the thermos with that! Another camp was closed because the guys were staying at apartments with their former camp mates. Very nice of them to get their brothers in out of the cold. Jerry's brother had brought them a load of firewood, so Outdoor Joey was busy building a fire with it. Anything to stay somewhat warm! Z and her crew were busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the community. We had a good number of friends show up to eat and enjoy each other's company. The young men of the basketball team showed up around noon to eat their lunch. Always a fun time on Saturdays.

More tutoring going on this week on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The children were learning, playing games and listening to stories about Jesus. This week, they learned about the birth of Jesus. Next Monday we will have their Christmas party.

Tuesday evening, the men of the community gathered and listened and talked about God. Rickie led the discussions as the men read from 1st John 3: 17-18. Two good verses to live our lives by. What do they mean to you?

Thursday evening,  we sang Christmas hymns as Ms Abbie played the piano and one of our friends from Elizabeth Baptist Church shared the Word. Z prepared chicken and dumplings for our meal. Clothes were shared with the community. Pam and Bruce prepared the Market for our shoppers. A good evening.

Thanks to John W and Bruce K, we now have new lightning in our dining hall. We heard several comments this week, sure is bright in here!

Hopefully those of you in town are not reading this note this morning but at the center helping to set up the Christmas Market! We will be there all day, if you can go by and help out. Starting at 9 am Saturday morning the Market will open. We need your help, we need your prayers. Come and join in on the fun! Don't miss Santa walking around!

Please keep Ginellen in your prayers. She came through her procedure last Friday fine, but the outcome was not what we wanted. She has an infection in that area, that needs to heal before anymore work is done. 

The word that comes to mind this week has been miracles. In our busyness of life, I am afraid we don't see the miracles of God happening all around us. It is easy to pass over them, not recognize them or appreciate them. I think we all to often take for granted life and the part we play in it?

It all started Monday night as the men of Grace started reading about the birth of Jesus. Each year, Billy Graham puts out a list of Bible verses associated with the Birth. This week the men read from the Old Testament about the coming Messiah. We started reading Isaiah 7: 13 - 14, predicting the Messiah would be born of a virgin. Malachi 3: 1 - 4, which said the Messiah would be God's messenger, Then Micah 5: 2-3, predicting the exact place of the birth. We read Isaiah 9: 2, 6-7, announcing that God's son would be born as a baby. The question was asked, when did Isaiah take place. It was determined almost 700 years before the birth! 700 years! What a miracle, that God had a place in mind, knew He wanted his son to be born as a baby, from a virgin! Wow!

Tuesday night, Rickie brought pictures of his terrible accident he was involved in several weeks ago. Folks, I looked at the first picture of the burned out truck and could not look at any others! The shell of the truck, looked like some of pictures we have seen on TV of the horrors of the bombings in the Middle East. The only part of the truck left standing was the metal, no tires, no seats just metal! To see that picture and then to turn and look at Rickie alive, is a miracle! Rickie has shared with us, he knows God was there with them, sitting on the seat next to them, helping them get out! 

Several weeks ago, Scott told us his miracle story. He had taken his daughter's Jeep to a garage on Bert Kouns to get new tires. While the Jeep was there, he walked down to one of the restaurants and got something to eat. As he was walking back to the garage, he was walking across one of the bridges on the highway, noticed one of his shoe strings had come undone. He stopped reached down to tie his shoe strings, his phone fell out of his pocket. As luck would have it, the phone fell down one of the expansion joints on the bridge. The joint was just wide enough for his phone to fall into but not wide enough for his hand to reach down to get it. He tried to get it, but had no success. Frustrated and annoyed, he found a doctor's office near by. Going in, he said, I know this will sound strange but can I borrow a coat hanger! He went back, but ended up knocking the phone deeper down the expansion joint! Panic beginning to set in, as time was getting short. He took the Jeep in because his daughter was on a school trip, but he was scheduled to pick her up from the airport shortly. He hurriedly walks back to the garage thinking they would have some sort of something to get the phone out. They rig up a stick, he walks back to the bridge but no luck. He prays constantly now, Lord, I need my phone, please, please help! He thinks, I will call someone else to go get his daughter, oops, he does not have his phone. He goes back again to the bridge, tries other ways, but no luck. As he is walking back to the garage, a van pulls up behind him honking. He turns around and it is the nurses in the doctors office with his phone! No doubt now, Scott will tell you, God answers prayers, a miracle occurred on that highway!

Common Ground is a miracle! All of you are miracles for answering the call of Jesus! If you live out your lives, the way God has intended for you to live, miracles will occur! Reading some of my notes from 2007, a preacher told us, you don't need to advertise, you don't need to preach, you don't need to beat the bushes, just live out the radicality of the Bible, people will come. Why, because, nobody else is doing it. As we know, when people come, the presence of God is felt and miracles occur.

God is in the miracle business. If we take our time, begin to listen, understand His voice, stop and look around, we will see His miracles! We have experienced many miracles in our community, there are many more to come! Enjoy and be blessed by them all! Amen!

Hope to see you at the Christmas Market today or tomorrow. What a miracle!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Our calling

Here I sit in the hospital again! No I did not copy and paste this note! Ginellen has developed another fistula, the doctor wanted to take care of it sooner than later, so here we are! Please continue your prayers for her.

And you think it was cold last week! Our first really cold snap of the season has hit our part of the world! At least it is not raining or snowing! Hopefully your weather is not so cold!

Our cold, wet winter weather hit last Saturday. Usually on Saturday mornings, God let's the rain stop for a few moments to allow us to visit our friends, but that didn't happen last week! It was nasty, but as always it was a blessing to visit. With this type of weather, shelter and warmth are a priority, so our visits were short and sweet! Even though our camps are dwindling down, it still amazes me, the fortitude of the men still living outside. It is a hard life, but somehow they continue to survive.

Our Monday and Wednesday afternoons our after school activities continued. It is great to see the children come into the dining hall, find their assigned tables with their teachers. They stay standing until everybody gets in their places and then they start singing their blessing. Thank you Father for this food! I will admit I sing along with them and then continue humming the blessing the rest of the afternoon!

Tuesday morning we had a group of Santa elves from First Baptist church decorate the center and chapel. Great to see all the holiday cheer everywhere you walk!

Tuesday evening the men gathered for Bible fellowship and reading Matthew 25. God continues to bless the men of the community in various ways!

Thursday evening, we had a treat as an overflow crowd in chapel got to hear Christmas songs from St Joseph elementary school. Then our longtime friend Ms Jackie shared her testimony about loosing a child and her process of overcoming that hurt, very powerful. Z and Ms Abbie prepared a banquet.  The children from St Joseph helped serve, clean up, worked in the clothing room and were shoppers in the Market. A busy blessed night for all.

Prayers for Mr Joe. He had another episode. Peaches and Ms Abbie took him to the hospital. He is back home and resting. He was feeling well enough to help us Thursday night.

Don't forget our Christmas Market is next Saturday the 17th. Work of sorting and pricing will begin next week. Contact Abbey if you can help. She can let you know times and places to gather. It will take all of us to make this year's Market even more special.

It is easy for us to go our own way in life. Usually our lives do not affect other people.  Because of our sinful nature, we are selfish, usually only worried about how things affect us. When Christ enters our lives, we take on a new creation. We no longer are worried about just us but about others. Having a heart filled with the Holy Spirit will make us do things that we would not normally do. We are not living our own lives, but we are living lives directed by God for the creation of His Kingdom.

In living a life of Christ, we are put in circumstances that are not in our comfort zones. In being the hands and feet of Christ, we do things that others are not doing often being criticized or talked about. It is a hard price to pay sometimes. being talked about, trying to do what God is calling us to do, but it happens. Often we make sacrifices to our own families and love ones, to follow our callings. So what do we do? Do we give up and go home? Do we fuss at God and say why me? Do we ignore the Spirit and do nothing?
We each need to make those decisions for ourselves.

I have no doubt God is calling us to a place where His community is being established. God continues to bring others into our community who can and will make a difference. Each one of you have made a difference. Each one of you are servants. Each one of you continue to be a blessing to our community. Through our faith and obedience, we will enjoy the blessings of being faithful! Amen.

See you around the center next week and our Christmas Market next Saturday. God is good!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Is it magic?

Brrrrr, baby it's cold outside! Our winter weather is upon us. Cold, rain, dreary weather is here, time for God to brighten up our days!

Circle December 17th on your calendars. Our 4th annual Christmas Market will be here. We will need lots of help before we open the doors, so please be on the look out for opportunities to help in the coming weeks.

We had our annual inspection from the Food Bank. Lisa informed us, we passed with flying colors. A big thank you goes out to Bruce K for taking his time to straightened out the Market.  Pam W has not been around for awhile.  Sorry Pam for the over sight, but please keep her in your prayers as she recovering from a knee operation. I was told it was an old football injury?! Z had the kitchen spotless, so we are good to go for awhile.

Matt, Vicki and Chuck continue their work with the young men of our basketball program. First Baptist continues to support the team, offering their court for the boys to practice. First Baptist has opened up one of their meeting rooms, so the boys can do their homework before their practices. More exciting plans coming in the future for the boys.

Our guys living outside are ok. Really it is only Turner and Joey and Jerry at the moment. Friends from one of our camps, has moved. We have not seen them in a couple of weeks.

We had a big group of men for our Tuesday evening fellowship. They have heard about Z's cooking, so they are coming! Good discussions on what God is doing in their lives.

No tutoring on Monday with the bad weather, but everything was in full force Wednesday! Good interactions going on with everybody.

Please keep Ginellen in your prayers as she continues her slow recovery. Not feeling very well yet, still in lots of pain. Her body is trying to start working again, but it is a challenge.

There will be a memorial service for Tim's step mom, who passed away this week from a battle with cancer. The service will be at Grace, Saturday morning at 10 am.

The youth from First Methodist joined us Thursday evening, leading worship in the chapel, helping serve and clean up in the dining hall and participating in our Market. We had an unusually large crowd being the first of the month. Lots of new faces from the community.

The men's group read about Simon the Sorcerer from Acts 8. Simon was good at his job of deceiving people. He was a magician, making a living doing magic tricks. Simon ran into Peter and John and the Holy Spirit. Simon saw what Peter and John were doing, so he thought he could use this Holy Spirit stuff to further his sorcery business. He offered money to buy into this scam, but Peter responded to Simon in verse 21, You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God.

We can look the part. We can do all the right things. We can teach, we can visit, we can smile, we can hug, but if it does not come from our hearts through the Holy Spirit we are deceiving ourselves and those we come in contact with. We need to all exam ourselves and understand why do we do what we do.

For the last several years, I have heard, wow, what a great job you are doing here mr brian. For a moment, my chest gets pumped out, my ego glows, my pride is full, but then I remember, it is not about me, it is not about what good I am doing, it is all about the Holy Spirit and all the work that the Spirit is doing in and through me - through all of us!

Simon realized he could not buy the Holy Spirit, so he asked Peter and John to pray for him. It does not say if Simon's heart was changed but that is not our job. We need to pray for each other to accept the Holy Spirit into our hearts.  We need to get rid of our pride and egos. We need to remember whose we are. We need to remember we are in the God Kingdom building business. We are about changing hearts in our community through the workings of the Holy Spirit! Amen.

Have a great week. Stay warm and dry. See you around the center.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Least

What a morning! Fall has arrived in our town! Leaves are turning their amber colors, mornings are crisp and cool, God is in control! 

We got our week started off with our Saturday activities happening! Basketball, visits, gardening, straightening, cleaning, eating was all going on. Our friends living outside are enjoying a break from the hot and humid days. Their spirits are also being lifted up! We visited our long time friend Smokey. As usual, he had been to the grocery store, bought fried chicken, potato salad, cooked a couple of pies for us to enjoy! Humbled beyond words,  how this man of God displays his affection for us.

With the children out of school for a couple of days, we only met with them on Wednesday. Great to see all our tutors sitting with their students, learning, laughing and enjoying each other's company. There is more to just educating going on!

Tuesday evening the men of the community gathered, talking about the least of them. Society sees them as misfits, God sees them as saints!

Wednesday evening, Lisa held a Board meeting. So much going on in and around our community. A lot of exciting times ahead for us all.

Thursday evening, our long time friend, Wes shared his gifts of playing the piano and Brother George shared his gifts of sharing the Word. Z whipped up another feast, the Market and clothing room was busy all night as a large crowd enjoy it all.

A special blessing to all our veterans this day. I remember pushing my father-in-law through the various airports on family trips. He would always wear his Marine baseball cap. Strangers would come up to us, shaking his hands and thanking him for his service. It blessed him and us. In honor of him, since he is no longer with us, please do that today. If you see a veteran today, let them know how much we appreciate all they have done to preserve our freedoms.

Prayers for Momma T as she travels to Starkville, Mississippi. Not sure I have ever heard of anyone traveling to Starkville! Must be a reason for her journey!? Prayers for all the new leaders of our government. Praise report for Ginellen. She has passed her final test with flying colors! No fistula! We meet with the doctors on Monday to decide when her final procedure will be to put her back together again. It will be 3 years Thanksgiving week. A long, long road, but we are finally coming to a conclusion, praise God!

Next Thursday will be our annual Thanksgiving feast. We have several groups providing our meal. We will need all the help we can get to serve and clean up. Please join us if you can. Also, as usual, we will be having a meal Thanksgiving day starting at 5:30.

Heard a sermon the other day talking about Matthew 25, the least of them. One of my favorite verses. It has always been a cornerstone of Common Ground. When someone would come to us about an idea, we would ask, does it feed, clothe, quench, visit, invite. If it didn't we would rethink the idea. The least of them is important to God, not so much in society. 

Have you ever been hungry and someone offered you something to eat? What about a drink of water when you were hot and tired? When I got cold at a soccer game, I borrowed a blanket from someone who had two! For the past three years during my wife's ordeal, we have been visited by many of you at the hospital or at our home. We are all the least in God's eyes!

God lvoes the least because He can do the most with them. After hearing the sermon, I thought came to me about Moses and King David. We all know how important they are to our faith and to God, but they did not start out that way! The men of the community read from Exodus 3, about Moses tending sheep, minding his own business, out in the wilderness, and God sends an angel to a burning bush. Moses sees the miracle and hears God say to him in verse 10, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people out . . . We then go to 1 Samuel 16, God is looking for a new king. Many brothers were paraded out in front but they were not right. David out in the fields, tending the sheep is summoned to come to the house, in the last part of verse 12 . .  then the Lord said, "Rise and anoint him; this is the one." In verse 7, the Lord says to Samuel, "do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

We are the least! God uses the least for Kingdom building. God sees our hearts, not what we look like. God used the shepherds to tell the world, His son was born, He will use you to make our world whole again. Open up your hearts to His Holy Spirit. Allow His majesty to fill your soul with lvoe. Our community needs you to let go and let God in your life. Amazing things will happen if we do! Amen!

Have a great week. See you Thursday night. God is in control, let it also be in our lives!

Friday, November 4, 2016


Good morning to all! Hope your week was full of blessings and joy!

Last Saturday, we started off the morning by hosting a talk in the chapel given by Dr. Julie Dodge. She was being sponsored by First Methodist Church talking about social justice and the realities of poverty. We visited our friends living outside. One of our friends, now living inside, made the comment, I don't need a water jug, I now have water that comes out of the wall! Wow, things we take for granted! Another stop reminded me of how blessed some of us are. We found our friends, sitting on cardboard boxes underneath a tree with their dog trying to get out of the heat. Sad, sad! To my amazement, their dispositions were great, excited to see us!  We are very blessed!

Monday was a "spooky" afternoon filled with fun and games! Many of our tutors and children dressed up in costumes, competing for prizes and treats! We had a dance off! Sorry to say Joey did not make the finals! Mother may I was a hit, with Lisa! Chuck confused the kids as he called out green light, red light! Not sure who had the most fun, the kids or the tutors!

Tuesday evening, the men of the community gathered for Bible fellowship. Brother George led the discussions from Ephesians.

Thursday got started off with a huge rummage sale in the green area. Didn't realize we had so much stuff in the two story! Everything was 25 cents at the beginning until darkness set in, then it was all you can take! We made room for our Christmas Market items beginning to come in. Chapel was led by a new friend of ours and of course the playing of the piano and singing of Ms Abbie. Z's supper was the best. The Market was busy. We had lots of help from the students from several Centenary sport teams. A great evening.

Congratulations to all our Chicago Cub fans!

Don't forget to move back your clocks Sunday morning.

Prayers for Hat and Karl. Hat is home with a broken leg. Prayers for Michele Sauls and her family as they deal with the health of her mom. 

How many times have we heard, God has a plan for your life. Yea right, if he does, what is it, some of us would say. God's timing is perfect, wait on it, I have been told. My lack of patience prevents me from doing that! God will make a way for us, if we just believe and have faith. Sounds good, but is it really true?

Last weekend I was looking through some old pictures and videos of the past of Common Ground. There are pictures of before there was a Common Ground! We often think things are going so slowly in our hopes and dreams for the future of our community. But looking at the reminders of the past, you think, wow, we have come a long ways in a short amount of time. Maybe there is something to this idea of God's timing and waiting on Him?!

As I was watching a video of one of our first Christmas parties, taken in 2005, I saw a face in the crowd that startled me. I continued to watch the video, but I kept thinking about that face and wondering, did I really see that person? I finished watching the video and then replayed it, stopping at the moment of this amazing capture. Yes, there it was, a face I knew now, but not 11 years ago.

I began to wonder, I don't know her story? Why didn't she say something to me, when I met her for the first time, that she had been to Common Ground before? My mind started to ask questions of all sorts of things.

So I brought the video to the office Monday for Joey to see if he recognized our friend, he did immediately! Chuck walks in, he watches the video, he immediately agrees! We were all amazed at what we are seeing! We ask each other, did you know, have you heard, what do you think??? It was agreed, when our "old" friend gets to the center we will ask her the 30 questions we have about her past! Not too long after that, she arrives and we escort her into the office to show her the video. She was not sure what was going on, walking into the office with some concern for her safety!  Then Joey plays the video!

About midway through the video showing people sitting at the tables, enjoying the Christmas meal having a good time, she blurts out, there's my mother, my aunt, my cousin, look there's my oldest son, oh know there I am! With a huge smile on her face, she sees herself and her family helping us serve our Christmas meal! I look at her, a smile indescribable, tears in her eyes, words can not express the expression of amazement!

Tuesday evening, the men of the community read in Ephesians 1: 5 . . . he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. . . then in 11: In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will . . . Folks, I don't know if you believe about all of this predestined theories or not, but as of last Monday, I am a believer!

Oh yea, I forgot to say, our "old" friend is Z Washington! She had just moved back to Shreveport. She came with her Aunt to help us out that night. She was so amazed at the video, she took a picture of her family and called her Aunt to ask about that night, she doesn't remember! Her Aunt even told her, her son got a present from Common Ground, something that was on his Christmas list!

Several months ago, Z had the opportunity to accept a new job. The pay was good with benefits, but she chose to stay with us, saying she felt she was in the place God wanted her to be. Well she was right! God was preparing her a place, 11 years ago, a place where she could do God's work and bless us all by her presence! 

You have a place in God's Kingdom. He has prepared a way for you. If you don't know what your place is and where it is, you need to ask Him! He will bless you beyond your imagination! Ask Z her story, she will gladly share how God prepared a way for her to us! Amen

Have a great week. God is good! All the time, these past 11 years and more to come!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Bold faith!

Still on a sweets high from all the candy, sweet treats,  delicious baked goodies from last nights Fall Fest!  What a night! 

Last Saturday, many of our friends living outside were no where to be found? We do need to lift up Robert and Jerry as they begin testing, procedures and rehab for the different ailments affecting them. They have been through a lot. A nice breakfast was prepared by Z as many of our community came together to help in our clothing room.

Our afternoon tutoring fun is going on. We can always use your help with the children. Allison has the routine down with the children and teachers, so a lot is accomplished in a short span of time. Come and enjoy the excitement. Monday will be a special afternoon.

Walked into to the kitchen Monday and there was Z cooking! Not sure I have ever seen so many boxes of cakes, pies and cookies! Tuesday I walked in and she was still there with help from her Aunt, Wednesday was no exception! Unfortunately I might have put on a few pounds this week sampling some of her goods! It was hard work, but somebody had to do it! Next time you see Z around the center, please tell her how much we appreciated all her hard work!
Thursday was spectacular! With a gorgeous blue sky, nice temperatures, a cooling breeze, we had our annual Fall Fest! Tables and chairs were set up in the green area. New games from a Scout Eagle project were lined up, the cake walk chairs were arranged, music, break dancing, grilling, face painting, what a night! A huge crowd showed up to enjoy it all. Thanks to everybody for making the evening such a success.

Next Thursday, we will have a garage sale from the 2 Story. Tables will be set up outside and the 2 story will be cleaned out to prepare for our Christmas market items.. Everything will be priced at 25 cents. Please come and help or bring lots of quarters!

The men of the community met Tuesday evening to read the story of Daniel in the den of lions, reading from Chapter 6 in the book of Daniel. A group of men, jealous of Daniel, went to the King to get him to set up a decree, saying if anyone who prays to any god other than the King will be put into the lion's den. When Daniel heard about this decree, he went home and 3 times each day prayed, verse 10. These jealous men, found Daniel praying and brought Daniel before the King. The King could not back down, so he ordered Daniel into to the lion's den. Daniel was sparred from the lions by an angel sent by God to close the lion's mouths.

Daniel knew the new decree was unlawful. The decree went against his beliefs, but Daniel was bold enough in his faith to continue to be obedient to God and prayed for help. Can we say the same for our faith?

Over the years, we have been told, it is a waste to buy property in our community. Why would you spend money in an impoverished area, when you could buy a house in a wealthy neighborhood? We have heard people say, don't spend your time with the children of our community, they can't learn. Others saying, the poor will always be with you, so why waste your time on them?

It seems in the building God's Kingdom, you are forced to buck the system of society. Society is interested in the rich, God is concerned for the least. We will face opposition at every turn, but we have to have the faith of Daniel and remember, our God, like Daniel's is in charge. As long as we continue to pray for guidance and direction in the path God wants us to take, then when we are put in the lion's den of life, our God, the same one as Daniel's, will send an angel to take care of us! God has taken care of us and our community in the past, He will continue to do so in the future!  Amen!

Have a great weekend. Get out and enjoy the fall weather, remembering who is in charge! 

Friday, October 21, 2016

The 12

Everybody have your jackets on today!? Wow, God thought we needed to be cooler, so he has done just that! What a God! Hopefully you are getting a chance to use your jackets this morning in your part of the world!

We had our grandchildren with us this past weekend, so didn't make our Saturday activities. Scott and Dawn visited our friends living outside. Visited some new camps occupied by old friends. Everybody seems to be doing well. Prayers for Robert and Jerry. Robert is preparing to go into the hospital. Jerry was taken to the hospital Thursday night because he was having a hard time breathing. 

Monday and Wednesdays continue to be one of our highlights of the week. Seeing the children, singing their prayer, enjoying their snacks, learning new Bible verses, reading their assignments is a blessing. Thanks to all who are helping our children succeed in life each week, you are a blessing.

Tuesday evening, Rickie led our community men's Bible study reading from Luke 9. A small group but a lively group sharing what God has placed on their hearts to live a life of light.

Thursday, Ms Abbie led us in song and praise, Brother George introduced us to a friend of his to share the Word of God. Lots of hand clapping and Amens were happening! Z prepared our meal, as friends from one of our elementary schools helped serve and clean up. Others from the school helped us in the Market and in the clothing room. A fun night!

Don't forget this Saturday will be a work morning in the clothing room. Z will prepare breakfast, starting at 9, then the work will begin following that. The community is coming, we need you too!

Praise report on Ginellen's procedure last week. All good, the doctor could not find the fistula he has been treating for the past 3 years. He is going to do one more exam through the radiology department and then begin to talk about completing her treatment with him! Praise God!

We have some angels helping us in our mowing and edging of our campus. If you see them, please stop and let them know how much we appreciate all their hard work.

Next Thursday is our Fall Fest. We had an Eagle scout make us some new games for the evening. The famous cake walk will be going on. Food and fun all over the center. Come and enjoy the evening.

Reading Luke 9 this week was another reminder, who is in charge of our lives! The first verse, Jesus called the 12 together. Jesus calls you. Nothing is different today, He is calling are we listening? Another thought, he called all 12, not just one or two. He calls all of us, no one has the inside track. We all are important in God's Kingdom.

When Jesus calls us, He prepares us, He provides for us, He cares for us. When Jesus called the 12, He gave them power and authority to drive out demons and to cure diseases. He does the same today. He calls us and then provides his Holy Spirit that is in each one of us, the power to combat anything that we will face. Do we allow it to happen or do we like to be in charge?

The chosen 12, were given tasks that they were not trained to do. Some were fishermen, one was a tax collector, simple men, called to do extraordinary things. The same can be said of you. God is calling you to our community, to do things that you thought were impossible, something you would have never dream of doing, are you ready to follow our Lord?

Then Jesus said to the 12, don't take anything with you, no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. You don't need it, I will take care of you. Jesus is saying that to us today. If you follow me, allow me to lead. I will provide everything you will need in this journey.  Do we dare believe that?

Then in verse 5, Jesus tells the 12, some will not like what you are doing or saying. Don't worry about that, just stay focused on what you have been called to do and move on. It is their loss not yours. 

As we prepare to move forward along the journey God has for us, we need to constantly be listening. We need to understand, God is in control, not us. If we take control, it will fail. We need to have faith and be obedient to the path He has chosen for us, knowing we will not have all the answers to our questions. We don't need the answers because God will provide everything when we need. Is it scary, you betcha! A fisherman being asked to heal the sick, don't you think they were scared? But Jesus equipped them, just like He has equipped each one of you.

The 12 went out and went to village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. We need to do the same. We need to go out, share the good news and heal our community. It can be done, it will be done, we might as well be the ones doing it, let's go! Amen!

See you Saturday or next week. For those who are in other parts of the country and not able to join us, please keep our community in your prayers. God is good!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Don't be afraid!

God was painting this morning! The clouds were dark until the rising sun casts it's glow on them, turning the dark into light with colors of orange, pink and blue all over the horizon! Wow, what a painter!

Lots going on in our community. Prayers for Joey and Jerry as they have moved back into their camp. Hard to transition into a place where noise and craziness is prevelant. Hopefully a place will open up soon for them. 

Monday and Wednesdays continue to be a joy. I need to record our afternoon blessing with the children. Watch for it on Facebook! What a treat.

Tuesday evening, the men of the community gathered to talk about God's unfailing grace. Rickie led the men reading from Ezekiel. A prophet of God, telling the people about God's lvoe.

Thursday was a special evening of song, praise, eating, serving and laughing! A friend of George's shared the Word, as Ms Abbie played the piano. Z prepared a banquet as new friends from LSUS and St Pauls helped serve and clean up. Pastor Kaylan had the clothing room open. Ms Dorothy was being reminded, she had 30 seconds to finish her shopping spree before it was time for others to come in! The Market was busy as usual. A good evening.

This Saturday, Z will be hosting a informational meeting for the community. Next Thursday, we will have our first Green Market. We will have local vegetables available for the community to purchase. Other activities are happening in the next few weeks. God is busy in our part of the world!

Prayers for all who have been and will be affected by the storm on the East coast and our friends in Haiti.

Two things struck me about God this week, God never gives up on us. In Ezekiel, God asks him to go speak to His people. As it says in verse 3, . . . they and their ancestors that have rebelled against me. Ancestors, a long time, God's people had forgotten what He had done for them, rebelled against God, but still God lvoed them enough to show His grace. We do the same today! Over and over, God's grace saves us from ourselves. We thank Him and months or years later we fall back. At some point, we seek God's grace and there it is for us again! Amazing!

The other thought, is God is always with us. God tells Ezekiel to go to His people and speak My Words to them, whether they listen or not, go!  God warns Ezekiel, my people have become obstinate and stubborn. In verse 6, God says to Ezekiel, "And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them . .  In fact, God tells Ezekiel, do not be afraid two more times in verse 6.

Do not be afraid! Good words to remember because many times God will put us in places that are outside of our comfort zones. Verse 2,"As he spoke, the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me?." That same Spirit that spoke to Ezekiel, thousands of years ago, is still speaking to us all, we just have to allow God's Spirit to come into our souls and listen. We do not have to be afraid because God is with us.

I was reminded again, it is not about us but about God! God tells Ezekiel to go to His people and speak My Words to them, whether they listen or not, go! God warns Ezekiel, my people have become obstinate and stubborn. Our jobs, our commission is to go out, share the Word, whether they listen or not. Sometimes we will see change, other times we will not. I asked someone several years ago, why they stopped coming to our community meals. They said, they didn't see any change in the attitudes of the community. If we are in the business to see change, then we will become disillusioned, burn out and will quit. 

We should be responding to the call God has placed on our hearts to share His lvoe with others. It is not our jobs to change the hearts of others. That is what God will do! I was reminded, sharing God's lvoe takes many forms. Some are able to share His lvoe through speaking. Others play the piano. Some cook. We have saints who are there for the children. Servants who work in the garden, hang clothes, visit, listen. God will use you, as He needs you to build His Kingdom! Amen!

Have a great week. See you around the center. Do not be afraid!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Praise the Lord!

Brrrr! What great weather in our part of the world this morning! Cool, crisp breeze, God's Kingdom is a great place to be!

What a Saturday we had last week. Momma T and Bryce had been working and planning hard for a garden work day! It worked! God provided the help and we now have new planter beds ready for the fall planting season! Matt and Vicki had the basketball team. Friends of our basketball team brought a large group of boys, folks from our Thursday community, all combined to have a great morning. Pictures have been posted on Face Book. Food was prepared in the kitchen. Visits were made to our friends living outside. What a day!

Our Monday and Wednesday afternoon activities continue. Lots of helpers and lots of children come and enjoy their times together. You can walk through the center and find learning groups everywhere! Great to see.

Tuesday evening, one of our community men led the men's Bible fellowship. Greg led the study, talking about the miracles God has done in his life. We all talked about what God has done in our lives. What has He done in yours?

Thursday evening was a busy time in our community. Brother George shared the Word, Bryce shared the praise in chapel. Z cooked up a feast and our friends from the school board helped serve and clean up. The clothing room was busy as well as the Market. Lots of conversations were happening about skills and needs of the community. A busy, fun night.

In one of our Bible study groups, we talked about why we take God for granted? We know what He has done for us, what He can do for us, but still we put Him on the back burner of our lives, why? We can have pity parties, grumble at our love ones, be unpleasant to be around, knowing all we have to do is go to God to help us through our trials, but we hesitate, why? We are quick to go to God to ask for healing when our love one is sick. We turn to God when we need something. But when our routines of life are in control, we put God on the back burner, why?

Life is hard sometimes. Obstacles are put before us daily. Trials of the unknown present challenges, we would rather not deal with. It is important to be in the presence of God all the time, morning, noon and night. Especially in our community! If we don't have the lvoe of Jesus in us on Monday afternoon, when we are reading to our children, they will not have a chance to see the joy of Christ. If we don't let the Holy Spirit flow through us on Thursdays, when will our community see the light of Christ? In the garden, playing basketball, cooking a meal, visiting our outdoor friends, doing paperwork, stocking shelves, hanging clothes, cleaning the bathrooms, mowing the grass - we need God in our lives. Not sometimes, not when we need Him, but all the time! God's light will shine through us, even when we don't feel like it is shining. All we have to do is let go and allow God to come into our hearts, God will do the rest!

Our men's Bible study read Psalm 103 Monday night. In one of the Bibles, the author said for us to read this Psalm everyday, praising God for all He has done for us. Take a minute right now, get your Bible out, turn on your Bible app, Kindle, Ipad and read Psalm 103. As the author said, make Psalm 103 your prayer for the day. Praise the Lord, my soul, you are awesome. Thank you for all you do for us, even when we forget You. You are worthy of our praise! Amen!

Have a great week. Get outside and enjoy this gorgeous weather! God is good!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Thank You!

Happy Autumn to everybody! Hopefully the hot temperatures in your part of the world has gotten a little cooler! Lvoe this time of year, with the colors of God's canvas coming to full bloom!

Spending time with the grand children last weekend, so was not around for Saturday's activities. I just know the basketball team practiced and was fed, the camps and friends were visited, garden work continued, so much to do, so little time to get it all done! God is good!

We have settled into a rhythm with our afternoon activities. Our blessing is sung, snacks are eaten, games are played, then the learning begins. Great to see so many helpers with the children. Great relationships are being formed. Smiles all around!

Tuesday evening, Brother George shared the Word with the men of the community. We read from James 1, we didn't read very far, but shared a lot of what God is doing in our lives. Talked about patience, perseverance, endurance, faith, trials, temptations. We all face trials, we all have temptations, how do we handle them?

Thursday was a packed house of lvoe, joy and understanding. Our friends from St Luke's medical van visited with us. Brother Chester and Ms Abbie got us started off in chapel with music and God's Words. Z prepared a feast, while old and new friends helped us serve and clean up. The Market continued to be a busy place, while our clothing room helped our community find just the right clothes. A blessed night.

Karl asked for continued prayers for his daughter in New Hampshire suffering the loss of her husband and father of their two children. Prayers for peace and understanding for the tragic loss of life in our community and across the country.

This Saturday, Bryce is hosting a garden party! Come early, around 7am to begin working in the new garden creating flower beds. Then around 9:30 of so Z and Joey will be preparing breakfast for the community. Following the meal  work will be done around the center. Come and enjoy!

Don't let Satan fool you! Don't get discouraged! Don't think what you do doesn't matter! You are important to God and to our community!

Last Thursday, as I was leaving early from our meal, I noticed one of our community members beginning their walk home. They don't live around the corner, they leave almost 10 blocks away! I was talking to one of our community members in chapel last week, they said they live on 85th street and walk here every week, over 15 blocks! Community waiting for the bus on the corner to get home after arriving by bus earlier. Babies being pushed in strollers to the center. Family members being dropped off by others. You make a difference in the lives of our community whether you know it or not! God knows! Thank you for all you do in case you need to hear it from someone, Thank you.

Ginellen, my wife, has been struggling with health problems going on for almost 3 years. We had a doctor's appointment Monday and we did not hear what we wanted to hear. She is scheduled for another procedure on October 14th. The doctor is being very cautious, which is good, but also frustrating to us all as we continue to deal with this problem. As I was preparing the words for chapel Thursday, one of our community members come into chapel and said mr brian, your wife has been on my heart this week! They didn't know anything about what we had gone through at the doctor, they just knew we needed to pray. They wanted others to pray with us, so we held hands and each one of the community said a prayer for healing for Ginellen. We are important to our community!

Thursday evening, as we were finishing up our meal, a lady walks up to me, who I had not seen in several years. She came by because, this community represents a happy time in her life and the life of her family. There are pictures of her children in the collage of photos in the hallway, all having a great time with us. Her children are no longer with her, some are in jail, some are missing, some don't want anything to do with her, sad times. She wanted to come by and see us, to remember those times of joy and happiness when her children were young and innocent. We have been a part of our community lives, through the trials and through the triumphs.

Please know, you are making a difference. Many of you will never hear a thank you. We may never see a smile or get a hug. We might not hear a kind word or see good manners but you are all making a difference. Life is hard for our community, the darkness is bright, the light is dim. You are the light, maybe the only light they get to see in their daily lives. Some of us have been around for so long, we get to see how the community is affected by all of you. We see the moms coming back remembering the good times. We get to see our young children all grown up, some are struggling, some are prospering, but they come back to see you because you made a difference in their lives. You are making a difference. Thank You! Amen!

See you Saturday in the garden! God is so good!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Lean on Me!

How was your week? What surprises did God share with you? He sure is good - isn't he!

Saturdays continue to be busy in and around the center. Basketball practices and meals, gardening work being done, visiting our friends living outside, cleaning up and around the center, all makes for a glorious day! We are down to one camp! Praise God! Turner is still with us. Joey and Jerry's camp is being lived in for awhile, so we go by there also. We go by and visit two other former camp friends, living inside to check in with them. Praise God for getting them inside but they still are hungry. Most of their monies goes to their living spaces, so there is not anything left for food. Our little stops help them out for the week, while they begin to adjust to their new surroundings. Great to see them with their new homes, like a child at Christmas time, full of life and joy!

We have started our weekly afternoon activities with our new group of children. We meet on Monday and Wednesdays from 3:30 to almost 5. Allison and her crew of helpers have gotten their activities all lined up. There is a green, yellow, red and blue tables set up in the fellowship hall. The children go to their tables when they get off the bus. They sing a prayer, have their snacks, play a game or two and then break up into smaller groups with their tutors! You will find kids and their tutors all over the center, any place we can set up a table and chair. Great to see young people getting the special attention they deserve.

Every other Monday, just as we are getting our children back on the bus, we have another group of youngsters joining us. We have a big group of girls and their moms having their girl scouting meeting! They go until almost 7 with games and fun happening! Amazing to see all that God is making happen in our part of the world.

Tuesday evening, the men gathered for their Bible fellowship. Rickie led our discussions from Luke 7. The faith of the Centurion and Jesus raises a widow's son. Jesus knows our hearts and can do anything He wants. Nothing is impossible! 

Wednesday evening, Lisa had her Board meeting. So much going on, hard to remember it all. Lots of good thoughts on where God is leading our community and how Common Ground can be a part of it. Amazing things are on the horizon!

Thursday evening was special, really they are every week, but many of us got to do what we like to do and talk and listen to the community. Our friends from Elizabeth Baptist church brought their whole church to us, so must of the work is done for the evening. They bring all the food, serve it, clean the dishes and tables, help with the Market and run the clothing room. We get to sit back and enjoy the evening!

Prayers for Karl Foucht, husband of Hat. His daughter Tanya, living in New Hampshire, lost her husband and father of their two young children last week. A terrible tragedy.

I have been listening to a sermon series about God's amazing grace. Towards the end of the series, the pastor was talking about receiving God's grace. His comments brought thoughts about all of you. We are good about sharing what God has done for us and through us with others, but it is hard for us to receive God's grace when it comes from others. We are so good at giving, sometimes it is hard for us to receive.

I know for me, in my early days of thinking I was the savior come to save our community. If someone in our community offered something to me, most of the time I would say thanks but no thanks. Thinking, there is nothing they have I need! How foolish I was! God has created all of us, all of us, with unique gifts and talents. If we don't take time to listen to all, to communicate with all, we will miss those gifts, those blessing from God. Until we realize, we are the community, not us and them, we need to realize we are all in this journey together.

Thursday night as I was standing out in front of the chapel, one of our community members came over to me, she said, mr brian I have something for you and Joey? I walked over to her truck and she took out two pans of banana pudding! My first thought was to say, thanks but no thanks, you keep it for your family, I don't need this as much as you need it. But I accepted it gratefully and enjoyed every bite of it! She worked long and hard making that pudding, she put her heart and soul into making it, God's grace was baked into that pudding. If I would have declined the pudding, I would have missed God's grace!

As we discern the direction God is leading us and our community let's not loose site of God's grace and where His grace might show up. Just because we may have more education, more resources, does not makes us better in God's eyes. In God's Kingdom, we are all the same. As Ms Abbie and Bryce share with us every week, we need to learn to lean on Me (God), learn to lean on my brother and sister when we need a hand. We will all need someone to lean on as we travel together. Help us Lord to lean on You and let's learn together as we grow into God's Kingdom! Amen!

Friday, September 9, 2016

What's next?

Life goes on, doesn't it? Just because you are not around, the struggles, the triumphs, the challenges of life goes on. I just know, God is ever present in our community through you all, God's grace will continue.

Our stops on Saturday morning, visiting our friends living outside continue to decline! Yeah! Really only Turner remains and some scattered callings from old friends meeting them in various places is the extent of our visits now. Wonder what is next in God's plan for us?

Matt, Vicki and Chuck continue to mold our young people with basketball skills as well as life skills. Just about everyday you will find the blue house full activities of doing homework, eating or talking about life.

Being around the center everyday, I am amazed to see all the activities that take place. We now have office hours, being manned mainly by Joey. There are people from all walks of life stopping by. Some to give us food, shoes, clothing. Some needing groceries, clothing or for someone to listen to their struggles. Groceries are dropped off by some, others come every week to sort them out and put them up. Clothes are dropped off, while others sort through them, hang and organize the clothing room. Food is prepared just about every day. Boys are always hungry! Men learning about God needs to be nourished after a hard day of work. The community looks forward to a meal every Thursday. The center is always busy now.

Our afternoon activities of learning will begin next week. Lots of preparation has been going on. Please let Lisa or Allison know you would like to help out. All sorts of help is needed. We have a great group of returning teachers and helpers, but we can always use more servants.

Thursday was a great time of sharing the Word and singing, eating and meeting new friends, gathering clothes and groceries. The center was busy all night long. Bryce did an outstanding job in leading our singing, while an old friend Jacoby shared the Word. It was a special night, because we got to talk about our birthday girl, Ms Abbie. Joey wanted to buy her a cake, but I said to Joey, with all the candles on top, I was afraid, the chapel might catch on fire! Ms Abbie was not in chapel when I said that, so don't tell her I did! We had an old friend rejoin our community, Ms Dawn has returned, yeah!

We have come a long way from where we have started, handing out groceries from the trunks of our cars or the backs of our trucks, going through bags of clothes, preparing meals when no one came, being asked to leave a church building having no where to go, having no budget, no monies to buy food, groceries, no books for the children to learn by. There was no planning committee, no plans for tomorrow, we were just trying to meet the needs of our community that day! 

So God has brought us this far, where is He leading us now? What is our next step in this journey? Is there something God has placed on your heart, that we need to know about, let us know? We do not want to be just another nonprofit among hundreds in the city, we did not start off that way, we were led by Christ to do what Matthew 25, 34 says, "Then the King will say to those on his right, come you who are blessed by my Father, take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world". 35, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me". 

We are a community of followers of Christ, lvoing others when nobody else does, sharing the grace of God when it is many times hard to do, holding up those who have never experienced hope and peace in their lives. We are set apart, to do God's work in a community where there is very little light shinning of God's majesty. Let's work together to change that! Amen!

Have a great week! We are blessed to be a part of God's Kingdom, let's boldly live our lives that way!

Friday, August 26, 2016

God's unfailing lvoe?!

I would like to introduce myself, Hi! I'm mr brian!! It's been awhile? I know you guys have missed my weekly notes so much and wondered if you would ever hear from me again?! Welllll, I'm back! Or sort of, will be gone again next Friday!

Like I shared with our community in chapel this week, I lvoe you guys, but when our grand kids, say pawpaw, can you come stay with us, we are out of here! That's where we have been and will be next week! A true blessing from God!

But life goes on, so does our community. Basketball has added a new assistant coach. One of our long time friends, Dan Poole, his son has joined in on the fun and helping out Matt and Chuck. Will has lots of basketball experience, so it will be good for the boys to learn new things from him. Bryce has been busy in the garden, working with groups adding new beds and cleaning up the old ones. Our camps continue to decline, a blessing. A part of our group at Olgilve is gone, moved inside. We need a trumpet of praise to report Jerry has gotten his first check for moving inside. He went and opened up a checking account! He has not been to a bank in 10 years! He is in the process of locating an apartment to move into, what a blessing! No more mosquitos or bitter cold to fight anymore! Thank you God!

I have always wanted to say, is there a doctor in the house?! I got to say that at the Bright House II last Saturday, as Doc G, as she likes to be called walked in on me, Krysten and Joey going over some insurance questions. Georgette was in town to visit with her mom, stopping by to see everybody. It was great to see the both of them, our girls are growing up! Krysten is now in the insurance business, if any of you ever need anything in that field!

We are working on the center, trying to get it ready for the start of our afternoon activities. They will be starting in September. Please let Allison or Lisa know if you can help out.

Monday, Joey and John Sauls and others went down to Baton Rouge to help in the clean up of all the flooding. Grace will be sending another team down there Labor Day weekend. Please call their office if you would like to join them.

Thursday started off dry, but the heavens opened up and the rains came. Over 2 inches in our part of the world before it was over with. Streets were beginning to flood as we were driving home. But the community did not let that stop them as we had a packed house! Chapel was standing room only as Brother Chester shared the Word and Ms Abbie and Bryce led our singing. Z prepared our meal and we had help from the community to serve it up and clean off the tables. The Market was busy with everybody getting a chance to shop. A great evening of fellowship.

There is another work day in the clothing room this Saturday from 9 - 1. Please come and help and meet our community. The clothing room is looking great and about ready to be opened back up again. Jennifer and Kaylan are doing a great job organizing everything.

We are reading Psalms in our Monday night Bible study. A couple of weeks ago, a question was asked from our reading of Psalm 85, verse 7, Show us your unfailing love, Lord, and grant us your salvation. The question was asked, what does God's unfailing love look like to us?

What does God's lvoe look like to you? It can take many forms. It is unique to each one of us. We need to be able to explain what it looks like to others. That sounds easy until you give it a try. It your small groups, with your friends, try to explain what Jesus has done for you and to you.

In our community, where sometimes there is little hope of escaping the grasps of poverty, we need to be able to show to our neighbors or tell them there is a light, a way, that is available to all of us. If you just turn your life over to Christ and let the lvoe of the Holy Spirit shine through, there is hope.

What does God's unfailing lvoe look like? Maybe it's playing a guitar, playing a piano, bagging groceries, cleaning off the tables, organizing a room, cooking, teaching, preaching, visiting friends, listening, hugging, digging in the dirt, mowing, mopping, empting the trash, washing dirty clothes. Sometimes it is easier to show some one what God's lvoe looks like, but we also need to explain why we do what we do. Remembering it is not about us, but about God working in and through us. Amen!

Have a great week. God is good - all the time!!

Friday, August 5, 2016

God's ways?

The first week of August is in the books! Time is flying when God is a part of your life! How did your week go?

Another busy Saturday around the neighborhood. Camps were visited, with everybody doing ok. Basketball practices were going on. Some garden work was done. A wedding was attended. God is good.

Was great to see Lomax and Stephanie say I do and start a new chapter in their lives. Joey did great as one of their groomsmen. Good to see old friends and meet some new family members.

With summer camp over with, the center was quiet this week. Hard to believe the summer is coming to an end and school is about to start. Backpacks and school supplies are being gathered. Tutoring plans are continuing. We can always use your help with our afternoon activities, please come and join in on the fun.

Tuesday evening, Rickie led the men's Bible fellowship, reading from John 5: 1-9, the healing at the pool. Sometimes we get looked over by others trying to be first, Jesus does not see the first by relates to the least. How does He see you?

Thursday was hot and humid, as we gathered for our community time. Ms Jackie shared the Word in chapel, as Ms Abbie and Bryce shared the music. We had a summer picnic complete with pizza and ice cream sundaes for supper. Lots of help was provided from a local bank in the dining hall and the Market. A good evening.

It was nice to hear from our missionaries this week. Elizabeth McCormick dropped me a note saying we were in their hearts this week as they are about to begin their new journey in South Africa. Please keep them in your prayers. Prayers for our friends living outside, the heat is unbearable.

In reading John 5, telling of the invalid, this is how this translation describes the man at the pool, had been handicapped for 38 years. A great number of disabled people gathered at this pool to wait for the angels to stir the water. If you were the first in the pool, you would be healed of your infliction. Can you imagine, the pushing and shoving that must have happened to be the first in line. When chapel is over, the community runs to be the first in line, to get a chapel card and out the door! We like to be first at anything. The first born, the first kiss, the first paycheck, the first catch. Our society teaches us, trains us, to be the first, not the second, surely not the last. But in God's world, that philosophy does not apply.

This disabled man, had been waiting and wanting to get to the pool first but so far had been unable to do so. He was always to late or to slow to do so. In verse 6, Jesus saw this man and asked him, do you want to get well? My first thought, to Jesus' question was well du! But Jesus needs to hear us say from our heart, what we want.

Then in verse 8, Jesus said to him, Get up! pick up your mat and walk.. At once the man was cured, he picked up his mat and walked. Amazing. But as we talked about it more, we talked about Jesus' ways are not our ways? This man, 38 years waiting to be cured. Has seen others cured by getting in the stirring waters of this pool. He hears this man Jesus say, get up and walk. He did not get in the pool of water, like he had seen his whole life, but a man spoke to him and he was cured. Not the way he expected to be cured, but the way Jesus wanted him to be cured.

We often pray to God for a way out of the mess we are in, directions for our lives, paths to take for our community. We think we have it all planned out, the way we think it should go and ask God to bless it. God does not work that way, He sees us, He knows us, He knows what is best for us and makes a way for us. 

We need to begin to let go of our ways and let God direct His ways through us. We need to be open to changes. I know in my limited experiences, all most always, what I prayed for did not turn out the way I had asked. I was trying to put God in my box, to make things simple, to not stretch my faith, to not get out of my comfort zone, but God laughed and said, mr brian, hold on, you are about to get your world rocked!

God does things the way He wants them to happen. He has put all of you in my life and I am so blessed. Common Ground is blessed because of your presence and your hearts. Let's pray together to let God be the boss, let Him direct our paths, let Him be our leader, let Him build His Kingdom working in and through us! Amen!

Have a great week. Enjoy your time with your family and friends. God is good!

Friday, July 29, 2016

The poor?

We are quickly coming to the end of the month of July! Wow, God has been busy in our part of the world, how about yours?!

Scott had a new friend join him on our visits with our friends living outside. Shawn, joined in on the fun, learning all sorts of stuff while wondering if Scott's truck was going to make the trip?! Everybody is doing fine, tolerating the heat and mosquitos.

Monday started our final week of camp, hard to believe! What a great group of leaders we had this year, bonding together to show our children the lvoe of Jesus. Wednesday was Awards and Art Show Day. Everybody receiving an award for participating in camp and pulling together as a group. A packed house of family members enjoyed the afternoon as everybody walked around the center to enjoy all the unique and special projects created by the children. The art projects are still up if you have a chance to come by the center and see, they are amazing! Camp was concluded Thursday afternoon with our traditional field trip to Splash Kingdom. Unfortunately the rain came and the trip was cut short, but all the children returned with big smiles on their faces!

Tuesday evening the men gathered for Bible fellowship as Joey read from Acts 2, the Holy Spirit comes to Pentecost. This night was unusual as the men became the Bible lesson! Joey challenged the men, to become one. One group praying for each other, for God's direction in an upcoming event, as the men agreed to pray every morning at 7am. This night, was not about reading about what God has done, but the men putting their words into actions!

Also on Tuesday evening, many of us had the opportunity to see our 12 year old team compete for the basketball championship of the city summer league. The high school gym was packed with players and families. Our boys did not win the championship but won the respect of others! They played hard, played all out and most importantly played as a team. It was great to see and experience what great jobs Matt, Vicki and Chuck are doing with the young men.

On a rainy, cloudy Thursday afternoon our festivities started. Chapel was led off by a new trio of musicians! Ms Abbie was playing her piano, Bryce joined in on his guitar and Brother George led the singing. We even had some children showing us how to Lean On Jesus! Brother Chester shared the Word to a packed chapel. We had lots of help in the kitchen, dining hall and the Market. It was a good evening despite the rain.

Jerry came to me Thursday evening, one of our friends living outside, asking me to take him to a hotel for the evening? The VA folks have finally woken up and have arranged for Jerry to be inside while his paperwork is being completed for funding his apartment. It has sorely been needed, thankfully happened, Jerry slept inside last night! Praise God!

The month of August will busy for us as we prepare for our upcoming tutoring sessions. Lots of new ideas and new strategies are being looked at and will be implemented. If you have a desire to help out, please let Lisa or Allison know. We can always use your help.

Prayers for one of young people as a new chapter will begin to open up this weekend. Saturday afternoon, our Lomax and his Stephanie will be getting married! How exciting to see the two grow together as one. If it weren't for Common Ground the two would have never met! Another example of you never know what your time and presence mean to others! Blessings to you two as you start your new journey together!

Many years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia with Brian Lewis to participate in a family reunion of the Simple Way. The Simple Way is a group of misfits, as they called themselves, formed by Shane Claiborne and his friends. Once a year, communities from all over the country would gather together and share their stories. It was great to hear what was going on and also gratifying to hear you are not alone trying to be the hands and feet of Christ. For those of you who have not read Shane's book, The Irresistible Revolution, please do so. It will rock your boat!

We had the opportunity to stay at the Simple Way with Shane and talk with him. He shared his stories, his dreams and his fears about what they were facing in their community. His stories could have been ours. Many of his frustrations, were felt by us. As we were heading back to the airport, Shane said to us, have you figured it out yet? Brian and I looked at each other and wondered what he meant? I said to Shane, I don't think, tell us? He said, no, that is for you to figure it out?

This week, the answer to Shane's question, came in the form of a Common Prayer devotion. "People may come to our communities because they want to serve the poor; they will only stay once they have discovered that they themselves are the poor."

When I first began to be a part of this community, I thought I was the white knight in shining armor. I had come to save the day. I thought if I showed others how to behave, how to interact with each other, how to love each other, how to respect each other, everybody would see how great I was and everything would be alright. Over time, when things didn't get any better, I begin to realize, it is not about me, but about Jesus. No matter how much I tried to be nice to others, they still didn't get it! Fights broke out, hollering continued, things came up missing, where did I go wrong?

It took me awhile to realize, we are all the poor! We are all in this journey together. Nobody is better than another. We may have different troubles or obstacles in our lives, but we all have them. In God's eyes, we are all His children. Yes, we want our children to read better, we want our friends to live inside, we want the hollering to stop, the fighting to end, but the only way to make it happen is to understand, we are the poor, we are the ones who need help. 

Where does that help come from, Jesus! It is our job to be the hands and feet of Christ, bring others to Christ. Let Him stop the beatings, the fights, the shootings. When our hearts are changed, we change. When our hearts are filled with the lvoe of Jesus there is no room for hatred. When lvoe takes over our lives, we loose ourselves and we become the light of Christ. A heart of Christ, allows us to see each other as one!

My prayer for us all is to remember, it is not about us. For us to understand as Shane wanted us to know, we are the poor in the eyes of the Lord. Only through our conversations with Jesus will we be able to understand that and allow hearts to change as we grow closer to Christ. Amen!

Don't forget to come by the center and see all the art this week. Lvoe is in the air and on the walls! Have a great week! God is good!