Friday, June 24, 2016

It is impossible!?

Can't believe it is Friday already! Another great week was enjoyed by us, how was your week! God is good!

Saturday was unusually quiet around the center. A lot of folks were gone, so our activities were very limited. We enjoyed our visits to the camps. Gladly one of our camps found shelter in doors, so they were not there. Our other friends were enduring the heat and mosquitos, very hard. Scott and I talked about how we think this time of year is the worse. The heat is on, mosquitos are every where with no end in sight until September or October, tough, tough life.

Monday was the start of another week at camp, celebrating the wind. Great to see all the children learning about the wind and how it affects us in everything we do. Can't tell you how impressive it is to walk down the halls and see the masterpieces created by our children. They learned to paint like the wind, make sun catchers blowing in the wind, got to feel and see what the wind can do at Sci Port Discovery Center. Someone please take pictures of our hallway, so those who are not in town can see what is being created! God is good!

Tuesday evening, the men gathered for their Bible fellowship, reading from Luke 9: 1-17. The author of the study asked, are we participants or spectators in God's Kingdom?

Thursday evening, we gathered in the chapel to hear Brother Chester and Ms Abbie share their gifts of Word and Song. Allison and Ms Abbie worked all afternoon to prepare our meal, while some new friends from University Methodist church in Lake Charles joined us to serve and clean up. The youth helped in the clothing room and in our Market learning all sorts of interesting things to bring home and tell their church. A good evening, enjoying God's grace.

Also on Thursday, if I may boast for a second, Ginellen and I celebrated 43 years of marriage! 

Basketball games this week:
12 year olds: 6 /27 Monday 8pm at Lakeside
6/30 Thursday 7pm Southern Hills
14 year olds: 6/30 Thursday 10pm Southern Hills
17 year olds: 6/28 Tuesday 9pm Bill Cockrell Park
6/30 Thursday 7pm Lakeshore

The boys, Matt, Vicki and Chuck will enjoying seeing you there!

The study on Tuesday evening caught my eye when he said are we spectators or participants. For the first 3 1/2 years of Jesus' ministry, the disciples were spectators. Then as Jesus was coming to the end of His ministry, he sent them out.  Verse 1 says, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Verse 6, so they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. We need to do the same!

As more and more people come to see what God is doing in our community, they will be spectators. We need to be able to share the good news of what God has done in our lives and then allow our new friends to experience that amazing grace through their actions of serving. God's Kingdom will grow when we move from spectators to participants.

I know it is hard to let go sometimes. We often think we can do it faster or better than someone else can do it. But that is not what God is concerned about. He is not interested in the getting the job done fast. He is interested in getting a new relationship going with Him. I have learned over the years, as we allow others to use their gifts, they are blessed and we are blessed by seeing them grow in their relationship with Jesus.

The second part of the reading was the feeding. What a miracle! The disciples wanted to turn the people away, thinking in human terms, we can not feed this many, but Jesus showed them, when you learn to depend on God, nothing is impossible! We need to understand that!

Our hearts ache to do more for our children of the community. We want to offer hope to those who are without hope. We want to feed, clothe and lvoe everybody we meet in our community. Where is the money going to come from? How can we it do it? We don't have enough help? We are too busy? We don't have time? All these questions are what the disciples were asking at the feeding, nothing has changed over 2000 years.

But Jesus calmly lifted the bread and the fish, looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them, having enough to feed everybody and had some left over! Nothing, nothing is impossible if we depend on God! Amen!

Hope you have a great week, depending on God for everything you do, remembering nothing is impossible as long as we depend on God! Hope to see you at camp this week or at a basketball game, come and enjoy all the fun and excitement.

Friday, June 17, 2016


Our summer weather has shown up in a big way! And it's not even summer yet! Hope your week has been a good one, how is the weather in your part of the world?

We got our week started last Saturday with all the blessing of Christ showing up. All the camps are doing ok. Trying to survive the heat and mosquitos. Basketball team was busy with their practices and feedings. Garden work is on going, trying to stay one step ahead of the weeds! The Bright House II gang was busy painting and putting the finally touches on the house. Walked into the Friendship room to find a table full of young students meeting together about our summer camp. What a blessing to see all of God's work in action.

Monday was our first day of summer camp activities. Great to see everything going on, games, crafts, learning, food, snacks. The children are divided into groups making their way around to the different activities. What a blessing to see and hear all the children enjoying themselves so much.

Tuesday evening the men of the community gathered to listen and share what God is doing in their lives. We read from Matthew 6, talking about giving to the needy, prayer, fasting, treasures in Heaven and not worrying. One of the thoughts coming out of our discussions, was being reminded who is in charge of our lives.

Thursday evening, we gathered for our chapel time, meal and groceries. Our friends from Elizabeth Baptist Church brought a multitude of folks to help with the evening. Minister Barbara shared the Word as Ms Abbie shared the songs. A packed house of community members came to enjoy everything. Nice to see it all happening as God has it planned.

Prayers for our camps. With these unbearable temperatures and humidity, life is hard living outside. Jerry said, he would love to wear short pants, but can't because of all the mosquitos. Prayers for the families in Orlando. Prayers for our community. With the hot weather, tempers are at an all time high, resulting in hard feelings. Prayers for God's lvoe to touch us all.

Please contact Matt @ or Vicki @ for the game times this week.

Happy Father's Day to all our men of the community. Thank you for all you do for our community.

Reading my devotionals this morning, they all talked about prayer. In the reading of Matthew 6 verses 5 - 15, Jesus talks about praying and the importance of it. Jesus thought prayer was so important, in verses 9 - 13 He gives us the words to pray by. Last night in chapel, we had some hurt feelings, so we stopped what we were doing and prayed. What is prayer? Why is it so important?

Prayer is a way for us to have a conversation with God. Over the years, when we have asked the children to pray, sometimes they don't know what to say. They have the impression they must same something special or religious. We will tell them to have a conversation with God, just like you do with your father or mother. The first line of the Lord's prayer, Our Father in heaven.

Verse 10, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. This is all about God, His Kingdom, His will on earth. Not mr brian's, not ours, but God's. If we want our community to survive then it must be about God's will.

A couple of paragraphs in Max Lucado's devotional this morning:
Let's pray—most! Did God call us to preach without ceasing? Or teach without ceasing? Or have committee meetings without ceasing? Or sing without ceasing? No, but he did call us to "pray without ceasing" (I Thessalonians 5:17).
Did Jesus declare…my house shall be called a house of study? Fellowship? Music? A house of activities? No, but he did say "My house will be called a house of prayer" (Mark 11:17).  Jesus said, "When two of you get together on anything and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action" (Matthew 18:19).
Let's take action this week, the action of prayer. The world needs prayer, needs God's lvoe now more than ever. God's way is the only way out of the mess we are in and unless we pray we will never know what that plan is. Amen.

Have a great week. Come and join in on the fun at summer camp. Let's pray without ceasing this week!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Do I know you?

Is it Friday already? Just had one last week, didn't we!? Hopefully your week was full of God's riches and blessings! Sorry to miss last week. We had our grand children with us all week long. As some of you know, or those who do not have grand children yet, your time is not your own! We were on the road last Friday to Dallas and returned home to collapse from exhaustion and the joy of the past week!

Last Saturday we visited our friends. Turner is fine, talking about the passing of Muhammed Ali. Didn't know Turner was a big fan! Robert shared, one of his former camp buddies passed away. Brad Shy lost his battle with cancer. Brad had been through a lot these past few years. Sad to hear the news. Ogilvie camp was small in numbers. Joey and Jerry were dealing with the health of their dog, Clarence. He is not doing well. We met a group of servants, who visit the camps every week, checking on the camp animals. Hard to make friends you can depend on, living outside, animals provide that support to our friends. This group does a great service to keep the animals as healthy and fed as possible. Garden work continues. Always could use help to pull weeds and plant new seeds. Basketball is in full swing with the new city late night league going on. Bright House II worked continued, making the final touches going on.

Monday through Wednesday, we had the blessing of having one of our long time youth groups visit us. Luke Simpson Methodist church from Lake Charles made their annual trip up here to visit and work around the center. They cleaned, painted, organized, dug, played for three days. What a joy to be able to share in their enthusiasm for our community. We have more youth groups coming. Abbey can always use your help to help lead and get to know the children.

Tuesday afternoon, we were blessed to receive more groceries from our friends from Christ Methodist. Our cupboards was bare and as usual God provides. The groceries were brought by the new associate pastor for Grace. She grew up at Christ Methodist and was excited to see what was going on at our campus. She was looking forward to getting involved at Grace and with us.

Wednesday morning, the children from Grace joined in with the youth from Luke Simpson and helped out around the center.

The men of the community gathered Tuesday evening. Rickie led the discussions from reading Luke 13: 22-30, entering through the narrow door. The Jewish community was asking Jesus, how many will get in. Jesus said, get away from me, I do not know you. Ouch, does Jesus know you? It is not what you do, but why you do it.

We now have a new practice facility open for our basketball teams. First Baptist has opened up their facility to our boys every day so they can practice inside and get out of the heat! What a blessing. Not sure how Vicki and Matt do it, they now have 4 teams. The 14 and 17 year old boys are playing in the city midnight league during the summer. Games start at 9 and 10 in the evenings. I will try to send out a schedule for the coming week. I know they would lvoe to see you at their games. They could also use your help at their meals or just sit down with the boys and visit, always a treat.

Thursday evening was full of activities and people. We had a new friend, one of afternoon tutors, Ms Jackie share the Word. Our new campus friend, Bryce shared his gift of song. Our friends from Clearview Church helped with the meal and with the Market. A good evening.

Prayers for our long time friend Noel. He has hurt his back and unable to get out of bed. Smokey also is having some knee problems prohibiting him from walking for very long. William is back at the nursing home trying to make a go of it, prayers for God to continue to be a presence in William's life. Prayers for our community. Prayers for our camps as the summer days approach, dealing with the heat and mosquitos. 

Congratulations goes out to our own Ms Lisa. She received an award at the Louisiana Supreme Court in New Orleans for all the hard work she has done for our community. Lisa does not get the credit she deserves for all the time and effort she spends keeping things going. It was very nice of the law community to recognize her for all she does for us.

Don't forget, Monday afternoon at 1:30 our summer camp will be starting. An exciting time for everyone involved. Come by for a visit, meet a new friend, guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

As we begin to think about where we are going in our journey, I was reminded about where we have come from. I spent an hour with a couple of ladies Thursday sharing our story. They see what is happening now, but I shared how we did things in the past. Eating our meals on the driveway. Waiting for a phone call on a rainy Wednesday evening about the vote on whether we would get the building. All the ministries being done out of the Bright House after we fixed it up. Being asked to move our meals from the church. Attending meetings, so disgraceful, I can not repeat. Being locked out of rooms in the church. 

Our community is made of people who have a caring heart. You all want to do as much for our community as you can. You see the despair. The anguish. The lost hope. The frustrations. You hurt inside, just like our community does. I was reminded Tuesday evening, in the reading, verse 26, the people will say, we ate and drank with you, and taught in our streets. Verse 27, but he will reply, I don't know you or where you come from. away from me, all you evildoers.

As we think about where God is leading us, we have to all stop for a moment and think about, is what I am doing for Christ or for myself? It is so easy for our pride and egos to step up, when people say, oh what a great job you are doing. As more and more people are beginning to come, they see all the things going on and will say, this is great, ya'll are doing a great job! Our chests pump out, our egos are inflated and we begin to think it is all about me!

All our ministries are doing great things, but is it of God? We can't make that decision, only you can. As we move forward, we are being approached with great ideas, great ministry opportunities, but is it of God? Take a moment in the coming weeks, stop for a moment, find a quiet place and have a conversation with God. Ask Him, is what I am doing, is it your plan God or mine? Ask Him to show you the way He wants you to go? Then listen.

The Jewish community was doing good things. They were doing things their fathers had taught them to do. But they didn't realize, there was more to the story. God was telling them in this parable, you were doing the right things but for the wrong reasons. Only out of our relationship with Jesus, will we know the directions we need to go. This is God's Kingdom, not ours. Amen.

After your quiet time with Jesus, let Lisa know what God shared with you. Let her know what direction God has placed on your heart for the next step in our journey. Then if it is of God, things will happen as it has in the past. Have a great week. Lvoe to all!