Friday, July 29, 2016

The poor?

We are quickly coming to the end of the month of July! Wow, God has been busy in our part of the world, how about yours?!

Scott had a new friend join him on our visits with our friends living outside. Shawn, joined in on the fun, learning all sorts of stuff while wondering if Scott's truck was going to make the trip?! Everybody is doing fine, tolerating the heat and mosquitos.

Monday started our final week of camp, hard to believe! What a great group of leaders we had this year, bonding together to show our children the lvoe of Jesus. Wednesday was Awards and Art Show Day. Everybody receiving an award for participating in camp and pulling together as a group. A packed house of family members enjoyed the afternoon as everybody walked around the center to enjoy all the unique and special projects created by the children. The art projects are still up if you have a chance to come by the center and see, they are amazing! Camp was concluded Thursday afternoon with our traditional field trip to Splash Kingdom. Unfortunately the rain came and the trip was cut short, but all the children returned with big smiles on their faces!

Tuesday evening the men gathered for Bible fellowship as Joey read from Acts 2, the Holy Spirit comes to Pentecost. This night was unusual as the men became the Bible lesson! Joey challenged the men, to become one. One group praying for each other, for God's direction in an upcoming event, as the men agreed to pray every morning at 7am. This night, was not about reading about what God has done, but the men putting their words into actions!

Also on Tuesday evening, many of us had the opportunity to see our 12 year old team compete for the basketball championship of the city summer league. The high school gym was packed with players and families. Our boys did not win the championship but won the respect of others! They played hard, played all out and most importantly played as a team. It was great to see and experience what great jobs Matt, Vicki and Chuck are doing with the young men.

On a rainy, cloudy Thursday afternoon our festivities started. Chapel was led off by a new trio of musicians! Ms Abbie was playing her piano, Bryce joined in on his guitar and Brother George led the singing. We even had some children showing us how to Lean On Jesus! Brother Chester shared the Word to a packed chapel. We had lots of help in the kitchen, dining hall and the Market. It was a good evening despite the rain.

Jerry came to me Thursday evening, one of our friends living outside, asking me to take him to a hotel for the evening? The VA folks have finally woken up and have arranged for Jerry to be inside while his paperwork is being completed for funding his apartment. It has sorely been needed, thankfully happened, Jerry slept inside last night! Praise God!

The month of August will busy for us as we prepare for our upcoming tutoring sessions. Lots of new ideas and new strategies are being looked at and will be implemented. If you have a desire to help out, please let Lisa or Allison know. We can always use your help.

Prayers for one of young people as a new chapter will begin to open up this weekend. Saturday afternoon, our Lomax and his Stephanie will be getting married! How exciting to see the two grow together as one. If it weren't for Common Ground the two would have never met! Another example of you never know what your time and presence mean to others! Blessings to you two as you start your new journey together!

Many years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia with Brian Lewis to participate in a family reunion of the Simple Way. The Simple Way is a group of misfits, as they called themselves, formed by Shane Claiborne and his friends. Once a year, communities from all over the country would gather together and share their stories. It was great to hear what was going on and also gratifying to hear you are not alone trying to be the hands and feet of Christ. For those of you who have not read Shane's book, The Irresistible Revolution, please do so. It will rock your boat!

We had the opportunity to stay at the Simple Way with Shane and talk with him. He shared his stories, his dreams and his fears about what they were facing in their community. His stories could have been ours. Many of his frustrations, were felt by us. As we were heading back to the airport, Shane said to us, have you figured it out yet? Brian and I looked at each other and wondered what he meant? I said to Shane, I don't think, tell us? He said, no, that is for you to figure it out?

This week, the answer to Shane's question, came in the form of a Common Prayer devotion. "People may come to our communities because they want to serve the poor; they will only stay once they have discovered that they themselves are the poor."

When I first began to be a part of this community, I thought I was the white knight in shining armor. I had come to save the day. I thought if I showed others how to behave, how to interact with each other, how to love each other, how to respect each other, everybody would see how great I was and everything would be alright. Over time, when things didn't get any better, I begin to realize, it is not about me, but about Jesus. No matter how much I tried to be nice to others, they still didn't get it! Fights broke out, hollering continued, things came up missing, where did I go wrong?

It took me awhile to realize, we are all the poor! We are all in this journey together. Nobody is better than another. We may have different troubles or obstacles in our lives, but we all have them. In God's eyes, we are all His children. Yes, we want our children to read better, we want our friends to live inside, we want the hollering to stop, the fighting to end, but the only way to make it happen is to understand, we are the poor, we are the ones who need help. 

Where does that help come from, Jesus! It is our job to be the hands and feet of Christ, bring others to Christ. Let Him stop the beatings, the fights, the shootings. When our hearts are changed, we change. When our hearts are filled with the lvoe of Jesus there is no room for hatred. When lvoe takes over our lives, we loose ourselves and we become the light of Christ. A heart of Christ, allows us to see each other as one!

My prayer for us all is to remember, it is not about us. For us to understand as Shane wanted us to know, we are the poor in the eyes of the Lord. Only through our conversations with Jesus will we be able to understand that and allow hearts to change as we grow closer to Christ. Amen!

Don't forget to come by the center and see all the art this week. Lvoe is in the air and on the walls! Have a great week! God is good!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Love the Lord

How did God bless you this week? Many blessings were experienced in our part of the world. God is good - all the time!

Baby it's hot outside, can be the theme this week. Our camps are surviving as best as they can. One camp fortunately found shelter inside to get out of the heat and away from the mosquitos. Water, frozen water is a big hit. Cool drinks are welcomed. Thanks to all for continuing to provide for our friends living outside. Robert continues to enjoy his new found home inside, watching as much TV and enjoying his air conditioner! After 14 years of living outside, he always has a smile on his face now! Jerry's leg is giving him problems, so prayers for him. Momma T was out in the garden early Saturday. Our basketball teams were preparing for their playoffs. Clothes were being washed. A busy Saturday morning.

Monday was the start of our next to last week of summer camp. Can't believe it is time to say goodbye to all our children and new friends. This week, camp was focused on the "heart". Lots of great crafts, readings, drawings were made to show how important our hearts our to us. Jesus was proud to hear all the talk about hearts!  Camp was concluded this week with a trip for games of bowling. Next Wednesday, there will be an art show, special presentations, food and drinks will be provided. All are invited to see the treasures created by our children.

Tuesday evening, Rickie led our men's Bible fellowship by the reading of Deuteronomy 6. Moses talking to the people, sharing with them, to love the Lord the Lord Your God! Words that are still valid today! We had a long time friend join us. William was back with us and doing ok. Continued prayers for him. Also, Ardis bless us with food and desert for the evening. I understand more is to come!

Thursday evening was hot and humid but full of activities everywhere. Our medical van and all their volunteers were on hand to provide much needed help to our community. We had our friends from First Methodist come and share in the fun. Heather and Derek sang in chapel, then Brother George shared the Word. Others from First Methodist, provide the meal, while others helped serve, clean up and  still more helpers worked in the Market. A  big crowd was there, so all our friends were needed. Great to see community working together.

A praise report, long time in coming, Sonatra has passed his entrance exam into the armed services! Yeah! He is waiting for his physical exam and then he is off to serve! Thanks to all for making this possible. Sonatra has been through a lot of obstacles and trials, but through you all, you have supported, lvoed him and encouraged him to continue his walk in faith. When you see him around the campus, please let him know how proud you are of him.Thank's to all being his family!

Don't forget this Saturday, Kaylan and others will be hosting a make over in our clothing room. The community has been encouraged to join in on the fun! We can use your help also. We will be starting at 9am and going until around 1. 

Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength is the 5th verse of chapter 6 in Deuteronomy. When we read that Tuesday night, I was shocked to see. A command made by Jesus in the New Testament several times, is in the Old Testament, some 700 years before Jesus was even born!

Moses had just been given the 10 commandments by God. Moses was explaining to the people of Israel, these commands, decrees and laws the Lord your God has directed to us, is for us that we may enjoy a long life. The laws are not there to punish us, but to have life and recieve the blessings God has for us. How many times have we heard from the world, these commandments don't apply today. Or God didn't mean it that way. Or these decrees are here to punish us. The exact opposite is true. God lvoes us, knowing our faults, He gave us directions on how to enjoy a long life.

In verse 6, These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Verse 7, impress them on your children, talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when lie down and when you get up. I thought about camp this week. They have done exactly what God wanted His people to do! If it is in your heart, it becomes a part of who you are. Our little ones are learning at an early age, we are all God's children, no matter what we look like or how different we may be on the outside, our hearts are what Jesus is looking at!

Share with each other God's lvoe. Share with our community God's lvoe. If we love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, we have no room for bickering, for killing, for gossip, for anger, for hatred, for jealousy. God is lvoe, so are we! Amen.

Have a great week. Hope to see you around the campus God is creating. All the time God is good!

Friday, July 15, 2016


Hope your week was a good one?! Summer heat and humid conditions are plentiful in our part of the world.

Saturday was a hot one, for working in the garden, visiting our friends, basketball practices. Momma T and her crew arrived early to start work, but still not able to complete their tasks as the heat set in. Our frozen water jugs were a big hit at the camps. Anything to stay a little cool. Lots of drinking water for the boys as they practiced. A new friend, Shawn was working on the outside of the Bright House II caulking, getting ready for paint to be applied shortly.

Saturday afternoon, Joey and Momma T transformed the chapel into a sanctuary of silence and reflection for us all to enjoy. God is speaking to us, but sometimes we are too busy or too noisy to hear. We got to hear Him Saturday afternoon.

Another exciting week of camp as the children learned about "green". All sorts of crafts and foods were enjoyed. Even mr brian ate some green vegetable chips! Everybody is doing a great job, working together as a team, helping each other out, learning and listening.

Tuesday evening, Brother George led the men's Bible fellowship in the reading of Luke and the feeding of the 5000. A word of praise for Brother George, he has completed all the requirements of his study to become and elder in his church. He will be commissioned the first part of August.

Ms Lisa had a Board meeting Wednesday evening. Lots going on in our community. Kaylan has drafted a new clothing room policy and will begin to implement it in the coming weeks. He asked the community in chapel for help in getting the clothing room organized. With summer camp coming to an end, plans are already in place for the start of our afternoon tutoring program. Allison has met with the principal at our local elementary school to discuss new and exciting ways we can work together to help our children learn. New garden ideas were shared from a meeting with Momma T, Bryce and a new friend of theirs. Big exciting donations were accepted for our community. New relationships with other organizations were started. All working together, for the betterment of our community.

Thursday evening in chapel was special as two old friends were reunited. Willie and Wes were together again sharing their gifts. Willie has been ill for several months, lots of obstacles has been put in his was, but through his faith, he has persevered and back on the road to recovery. He shared his new stronger faith in Jesus with us all, something we can all learn from. Allison put together part of our meal, as many new friends helped serve and clean up. The Market has become a well oiled machine as the shoppers and community have gotten to know one another and move through the shopping process quickly, good to see. 

Continued prayers for William. Prayers for all those families affected by the senseless killings in France. Prayers for our friends living outside. Prayers for Robert as he prepares for oral surgery.

Listening has been on my mind this week. After attending the Broken and Whole Silent Service Saturday night, I was in awe of God's majesty. We listened to words of thought, words song by others. We moved around the chapel to experience God's grace in different forms of prayer. All the while, we listened to what God is wanting each of us to do. 45 minutes of listening, not speaking, not trying to impress others by what we have to say, but listening to the quiet voice of God.

Many of us do a good job of talking! We like to hear ourselves talk. Sometimes we feel more important if we can talk to others and let them know that we know it all or have all the answers. These past few weeks of tragedy around the world, there has been a lot of talking. Lot of good talking on both sides of the aisle, some good points can be made on both sides, but it is still just talk, man's talk.

Searching in the Bible for the word listening, up comes hundreds of verses or phrases where the word is used in the Bible. Starting from Genesis to the New Testament. God must know, we need help when it comes to listening?!

I was asked this week, what do you think about the political races going on? I said, not much because I don't watch most of the talking going on. It is one person's talk against another person's talk. I said, I know who is in charge of all of this and it is not us but God. God will lead us through this mess if we just take time to listen.

In James 1:19, my dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. We have it the other way around, we can't wait to speak first before someone else does, slow to listen and become angry at the drop of a hat!

We need to help our community to listen. We need to help each other to listen. Over the past few weeks, with the hot temperatures, nerves on edge, there have disagreements between our community. We are not listening to God but to society and the world. We holler louder than the other, thinking our talk is better than the other's. Just the opposite in God's eyes. God's voice is quiet, just and fair. If we don't listen, we will miss it. Let's listen together! Amen.

Listening together, what a great way to spend this coming week! God is so good!

Friday, July 8, 2016

Is God in our hearts?

Good morning to all. Hard to share our good news of the week, with all the tragedy happening in our country. But as we know, God is in charge and will make a way for us all to recover and refocus on Him.

Scott reported all went well with our visits Saturday morning with our friends living outside. After living outside for 14 years, Robert has discovered air conditioning and a small TV can pass the time away just fine! Our other camps are surviving, barely. The basketball teams have one more game then the playoffs will start next week. As soon as Coach Chuck gets the schedule, he will let us know the times and places for the games.

Monday started our week of camp with"fire" as the theme. Amazing how many ideas and crafts can be associated with fire. Thursday's field trip to Safety Town was a great way to end the week. Lots of great interaction with the police officers, their dogs and the children.

Tuesday evening, the men gathered for Bible fellowship as Rickie led the night reading from 2nd Chronicles chapter 33. A young ruler taking over for his father, turning away from God for most of his life, then when things got tough, he surrendered his soul to God. A story many of us can identify with.

Wednesday afternoon, I had the opportunity to go to First Methodist church and pick up some left over food items. What impressed me the most was the gentleman wanted us to have the food because of what God is doing in our community through summer camp and the basketball teams.

Thursday evening, was a time of reflection in chapel as we sang, holding hands with our neighbors - reach out and touch somebody's hand make this world a better place. Noel and Joey shared what was on their hearts as we heard the Word. Allison and Ms Abbie prepared our meal, as we had the youth from Grace join us to help serve and clean up. The Market was busy with shoppers and helpers. A good evening.

This Saturday at 5:55 in the chapel there will be a Broken and Whole: A Silent Service. At the bottom of the flyer, it says, "with so much death around us, we know that we are broken and in need of healing. Let us find our healing together."  We hope you can come and experience the healing waters of God's grace through scripture, song and prayer.

Prayers for William as he continues his struggles with addictions. Prayers for Vicki, recovering from a bad case of the flu. Prayers for our country.

For those of us who have not read the story of Manasseh in Chronicles please do so. A young man at the age of 12 became king. Like many of us at that age, God was far from our thoughts and actions. As he continued to grow older, he continued to get further and further away from God. At one point, he even sacrificed his own children, to further his ego and pride. In verse 10, the Lord spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention. Like man of us have done.

Reading this first part of chapter 33, you wonder, how in the world could this man do this! And then I think, I did the same thing myself. I didn't kill, but I didn't have God in my heart. I was young, full of energy and selfrighteousness. I knew it all, or so I thought! When I tell my story to others, I was raised in the church, First Methodist in Lake Charles, but when I graduated from high school, I also graduated from God. God was not a part of my life for 25 years. My idols were of greed, self worth and pride, just as Manasseh created in his kingdom.

Towards the end of his 55 years of ruling, Manasseh became a prisoner. In verse 12, Manasseh sought the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly and then he prayed. In verse 13, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea and was brought back to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God. As I began to grow older, when I got that new car, or bigger house, a new job title, it was still not enough. There was something missing. Not until I turned over my life to Christ, released my soul to Him, did I discoverd what Manasseh discovered, that the Lord is God! That peace I had been looking for was discovered.

As we sit with our community in chapel, eat with them in the dining hall, visit with them in the Market, talk with them at camp, part of our tasks is to remind them, there is nothing they have done, that is too bad for Christ to forgive. We don't have to get a job, straighten out our lives, stop drinking, using drugs, before we go to Jesus. We must do that first! With God in Manasseh's heart, he tore down his foreign gods. He restored the altar of the Lord. Manasseh prayed to his God of Israel, as well as his people.

Our country is struggling with hatred. Hatred of the unknown. If we knew each other, we wouldn't kill each other. We have the opportunity in our community to get to know each other, to develop relationships with each other, to learn from each other. With God in our hearts we would not kill. We are in this journey together, no one is greater than each other, we are all in this together. 

Our God is a lvoing God. Our God is a just God. God wants us to turn to Him and allow His Kingdom to grow on earth as it grows in heaven. Amen.

Hope to see you at the center this Saturday and the week to come. God is good!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Humility and Obedience

Another week has come and gone! Summer weather is upon us! God continues to bless us in many ways! Life is good when you follow the path God has laid before you!

We got our week started off early with our youth group from Lake Charles joining us last Friday morning to continue their work with us. Lots of cleaning took place! Trash was picked up, a good morning. We noticed more cars than normal around the center Friday morning? Come to find out, our summer interns wanted to try out the new Bright House II furnishings, so they had a sleep over! Very cool! Relationships are being formed that will last a life time.

Saturday was busy as usual. Our camp visits went well. Everybody is trying to endure the heat as best as they can. We noticed the heat is taking it's toll on the dogs, they don't bark as much! Hard, hard life. We could use more plastic jugs. We bring them water to drink, but this time of year, we like to freeze some of the water jugs, so they can have cool water a little longer than a day. Basketball is in full swing with their midnight league games going on. Garden work was done, early before it got too hot. We some of the Board of directors from one of our foundations tour the center, then participated in helping out a family in need.

This week in camp was earth week. Lots a great projects were going on. Lots of good food was eaten. Lots of good memories were made at Gator and Friends on the field trip. As you walk around the center, take time to notice all the neat pictures, projects, chalk board work being done by our children, truly amazing!

Tuesday evening, the men gathered for Bible fellowship. This week, George led the discussions from the reading in Philippians 2, being one in spirit and of one mind. A community of believers focused on Christ, are we?

Thursday evening, our community gathered for chapel time. Brother George and Bryce led our time there. Allison and Ms Abbie worked all afternoon preparing our meal. Others from the community joined in to help serve and clean up. Our Market was busy will lots of shoppers and helpers. Always good to gather together and fellowship.

Hope everybody has a great 4th of July weekend with your family and friends.

Basketball games this week:
12 year olds: Tuesday 8pm at Lakeside
14 year olds: Tuesday 9pm at A.B. Palmer

Prayers continues for our friends living outside. Prayers for those who maybe traveling this weekend. Prayers for our community. Prayers for summer camp as they continue to develop relationships.

Imitating Christ's humility is the title of Chapter 2 in Philippians. Easy to say, hard to do? We often talk about doing it Christ's way. We say we are Christians. We profess to be religious. We pray. We listen. But we usually end up doing it our way?!

In the middle of verse 3, in humility, value others above yourselves. Isn't that we do in our community, put others first? Don't you find, if we put the interests of others before ours, our problems don't seem to be as big? If we think of others, as Jesus did, we don't have a chance to have our pity party. There is no room for the "woo is me" mentality in our hearts, because we have our community interests first. If we are constantly humbling ourselves, putting others first, God will get the glory and His Kingdom will grow.

Verse 5 says, In your relationships with one another, have the mindset as Christ Jesus . . . Rickie likes the Dallas Cowboys football team, I like the New Orleans Saints. For years, I have tried to get him to come over to my side but so far he has not seen the light! He thinks his team is better of course the Saints are the best, we don't agree. The one thing we do agree on is we are one minded in our lvoe for Jesus. There are too many obstacles in our paths each day, too many distractions to get us off course, but I know Rickie is praying for me and I for him as we try to keep our focus on Jesus. Our relationship is based on Jesus and His ways, not the ways of the world.

Verse 8 talks about Jesus, who humbled himself by becoming obediant to death. Jesus stayed focused on His ministry. He knew what was expected of Him everyday. He was obediant in His journey. We must do the same. We must be obediant to what God is calling us to do. God has a plan for us, it is our obedience that will allow that plan to come forth in a way that will glorify our God and bring blessings to us all. Amen.

God is good! God is lvoe! God is good all the time! Doesn't get any better than that! Have a great week.