Friday, November 4, 2011

Another week

You guys are going to have to fire me. Again I am late on our update this week. Will try to do better next week. Hope everybody has had a great week.

We had good visits Saturday morning. For the second week in a row, we have not had folks at our Hamilton stop. Not sure why, but hoping folks have found a better place to go. Our first stop has always been to visit one of our friends who lives by himself under a railroad bridge. He does not talk much, lives in cardboard boxes, and has the cleanest camp we visit. He is always cordial to us and the most amazing thing we find with him each week, is "he is good". We try to offer him toilet paper, I am good. We try to give him MRE's, I'm good. Can goods, snacks, anything, I'm good. He only requests a bag of ice and is very thankful for that. Mr Scott and I always walk away, thinking we could all learn from him. Someone who has nothing or very little, someone who lives in a box, under a bridge does not take what he does not need.

We again had an abundance of tutors Monday and Tuesday. In fact we had more help than we had children. But Wednesday, the exact opposite happened. We had more children than tutors so Krysten could not open up our children's section. We all played outside. We have been talking about it for awhile, I guess maybe it is time to make a list of helpers and their schedules. It will help Krysten know who is coming and who is not, so she can be better prepared as the children arrive.

We had another nice group of folks at our Thursday meal. As I mentioned it to them, I am still trying to get use to our change of days. I am not use to being home on Wednesdays. I told them, we would be there on the 24th. Giving out groceries and clothing and offering a light meal. Thought it was important to be there whether anybody shows up or not. There maybe some who do have a family to share a meal with that night, so we can be there for them. We will have our Thanksgiving meal on the 17th with turkey and dressing and all the trimmings. We usually have a big crowd so everybody that can come, we could use the help.

Ms Lisa and her family have been busy spending some of our grant money on new table and chairs. We removed all the old brown tables and now we only have the white plastic tables. We will slowly add new chairs as we go along. It looks very nice in the fellowship hall.

With so many folks gone, or involved with other activities we did not have our Bible study following the meal. Dr Phil, Momma T and I talked about some of our new schedules. For those who want to come to Bible study and can not be there for our meal, let us know and we can make to go boxes for you. We can set them aside for you and you can eat when you get there. We talked about moving our study back into the friendship room, so we will try that next week. We talked about our chapel time. Having it before or after our meal. With the time change, it will start getting darker so early, just hate for folks to walk home in the dark. Your thoughts?

This Saturday, we will have the men's group and some youth from Airline Baptist church joining us. They will be working in the chapel, cleaning up the parking lot, working on the basketball goals, putting in new locks at the Bright House, changing out the broken windows on the doors and other projects. They are suppose to be at the center by 8:30, so come by if you can and meet them.

One of the reasons we are working in the chapel Saturday, because there will be a small worship ceremony there Sunday evening. Noel and Grace are having their charge conference with the District folks. This year the two churches will be touring the New Room and our center. Following the tour of our center, they will have a dedication ceremony for  four young ladies as they begin the process of becoming pastors. Three of the ladies are from Grace and two of them are part of our family. Allison and Ali along with Claire Carter will be recognized as they begin their journeys. We were told the church folks should be arriving around 6:45, but as we all know, that will not happen and it will be later than that, so if you can come by around 7 for the short service, I know the ladies would appreciate seeing all of you.

Prayer concerns: Joey and Lomax as they continue their road trip up to Minnesota.  They stopped by Wednesday evening and visited with Allison. Then Thursday, they met up with Lauren. They will head further north Friday and hopefully see others of our extended family? They are due back Tuesday evening. Prayers for Hat as she supports her friend during their loss. Ms Sarah as she travels with the Junior High on their retreat. Prayers for continued sobriety.

Hope you all are able to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather. Thank you for being a part of our community. Thank you for sharing your heart with others. Have a great weekend and see you around the center next week. Amen.sco

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