Friday, April 21, 2017

What's up?!

Another week in the books! Almost the end of April, 4 months gone in this new year, wow! God is busy!

Easter Sunday, Momma T, Ms Abbie and Joey continued our tradition of sharing God's lvoe with our neighbors in the form of eggs, hiding them throughout the neighborhood. Always a good time and a blessing to all!

Saturday we continued our visits to our friends living outside. Some have moved inside, others are waiting for that to occur, but we still visit them. Even though they are inside, most friends have no income, so the food we bring is a necessity. Scott continues his vigil every Saturday by making sure our friends are lvoed on for a few moments. Smokey had his foot surgery, Thursday morning, seems to be doing fine. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

We only got to visit with our children in the afternoon on Wednesday of this week, Monday was a holiday. Not sure but, I think the noise level was a little higher Wednesday with all the excitement of the children as they learned, played and ate! Great to have them with us. Prayers for Alison and her mom. Her mom is not doing well at the moment.

Tuesday evening, the men of the community gathered for some good food and good fellowship. We read from Deuteronomy Chapter 11. We read 13 verses but didn't get very far as we talked about lvoing the Lord your God! Smokey said, he had a surprise visit from Noel Wednesday afternoon. Noel continues to heal from his neck surgery. Willie Jackson came by to see Smokey. Prayers for Willie as he continues his dialysis treatments.

Coach Chuck, Matt and Vicki continue their unbelievable schedules of games, tutoring, and practices. As Chuck said, if we don't keep the boys busy they will fall back into their old ways.

Thursday evening was different. One of our basketball boys had a seizure outside. He had not taken his medication. Then later on, we had an incident with a couple of neighbors reminding us, even though God has created a safe place, Satan is still busy trying to disrupt the atmosphere. Z and Ms Abbie created a feast of meats for our meal, The Market and clothing room was busy all night long. Ordered was restored and the night went along, ending on a high note, with a first time visitor coming up to us saying, thank you for all you do.

Prayers for the Board as they come together to discern God's direction for Common Ground Friday night and Saturday morning.

Love and Obey the Lord, is the heading of Chapter 11 in Deuteronomy. If you love them, don't you want to obey them? God lvoes us, He had done so much for us, we should gladly, willingly want to keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands.

Looking back on where we have come from as followers of Jesus with our community, what a ride it has been! Meeting new people, learning from our neighbors, trying to understand the pressures of living in poverty, seeing our children grow up to young adults. Seeing our young girls becoming new moms, our boys learning about the trials of life. The lack of education, health and money issues, poor job opportunities, inadequate housing choices, addictions of all kinds, just some of life we have experienced over these past few years.

Common Ground has been a part of all of these challenges. From a group of followers sitting around a table, wondering what God wanted us to do. Some of us stepping out of our comfort zones to go visit people living outside. Others wanting to help the children. Some wanting to feed. A few wanting to care for their health. At times we were chastised for feeding the poor, being asked to leave the church, being homeless but not alone. People of authority saying we were never going to make it, not raining for two years on Wednesdays, funding coming when there was none.

Verse 7, the people were reminded, "But it was your own eyes that saw all these great things the Lord has done." And here we are! A place where God has created, where young and old, rich and poor, black and white can come together and be in community. A place where the people of God can come and live out what they are reading in the Bible. A place where you can find lvoe not love. A place where you can get a hug and not expect anything in return. A place where judging is left to God.
God had done this, not us. Yes it has been our hands and feet, our sweat, our passion, but it is not ours but God working in and through us.

It has been an amazing ride. One I have been proud to be a part of. And now I am looking forward to what God has in store for us in the future. He continues to bring people of God into our mist, creating something unique and special, creating a Kingdom where He will say, I am well pleased! Amen!

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