Friday, May 19, 2017


It can't be Friday already! Where does our time go? Hopefully your time was blessed spending time with God!

Visiting our friends Saturday morning is always a treat. It is a reminder to me, how blessed we are to have each other. We had not see Robert in several weeks, but he came out of his apartment. He is struggling with multiple health problems but continues to bless us with his prayers. We have two ladies who have moved inside. Michelle blessed us by sharing some of her story with us. Oglivie camp was feeling no pain that morning. One of the guys came over to me and said, sorry mr brian for being this way. Life is hard. Some resort to means to make life tolerable. We continue to pray for them and allow the Spirit of the Living God to take control of their lives. Smokey has moved. They have transferred him to a rehab facility on Irving Place, Highland Place. He is in room 104. He has a direct phone number 318 841-8752. His other leg is beginning to swell, which is concerning.

Tuesday evening, Brother George led the men's fellowship as we read from  Romans 14.

Thursday evening was busy. St Luke's Medical van joined us for the evening. Brother George and a Methodist pastor from England led chapel. Z and Ms Abbie had prepared a feast, The Market and clothing room was full of activity. Z found eggs from the Food Bank, so the Market was trying to give away eggs and not breaking them in the process! We had two big groups helping us all out, a blessed evening.

This Sunday, we will have our first Mitzvay Day! Friends from a local Jewish temple will be at the center helping out. Come and join in on the fun, Sunday 10 -12.

Several weeks ago, Ms Sarah shared a story in chapel. In Luke 5 verse 17 - 26, is the story about the paralyzed man and his friends trying to see Jesus. You remember the story, the friends couldn't get close to Jesus, so they went on the roof and lowered their friend through the ceiling. Jesus was so impressed with the friends, He forgave their sins, as well as healing the paralyzed man. A nice story. Sarah visiting her Aunt in the hospital, said her Aunt was troubled by the story, made her sad?

Sarah, asked why does this story make you sad? Her Aunt said, this paralyzed man had 4 friends who went out of their way to help their friend. I don't have any friends who would do that for me? Sarah says to the community in chapel, Common Ground is your group of friends!

Life is hard, especially when you are living a life in poverty. You don't seem to get any breaks. God has created a community where our community can catch some breaks from life when needed through all of you. It maybe showing up on a Saturday morning under a bridge, listening, smiling. Helping to feed the little ones at our meal on Thursdays. Preparing a meal. Helping through reading a book to a child. Helping shop for groceries the community wants.

Common Ground is a community made of friends who will lower through the roof a friend to see Jesus. Common Ground is a community is more concerned about others than themselves. Common Ground is about lvoe not love. Common Ground is you allowing Jesus to work in and through you to build His Kingdom! Amen!

Have a great week. God is busy, join in on the fun!

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